
@so_bored: If she didn't think that being able to see Russia from her state counted as "foreign policy experience" and didn't think that Africa is a country, I would be able to brush it off as a gaffe. But this just kinda seems like more of the same ridiculous lack of knowledge about the world.

You don't mess with redheads.

@lil.orphan.shannie: gah me too! i need to know! i mean, she knows his name and where he lives, so she could have called the cops on his ass. and maybe gotten her purse back. but holy terrifying batman.

awww that puppy is making my heart sad :( poor little guy :(

@LittleWoodenGirl: I think it would've been completely reasonable for you to give him a swift verbal kick in the ass for that awful cancer bs. and maybe add in a "and there is no tranquility when you blather on the entire time!" gahhhh.

@highjump: I have reduced the budgeting problem by boycotting xmas. I bring a nice bottle of wine or a pretty centrepiece or a dish or something to xmas dinner, but stay far away from the gift orgy.

@GwenBear: I never got it either. Maybe partly because the first time I saw him on screen was in the show Breaker High, and his character was a cocky jackass. (watch that if you want to be cured of thinking he's too indie).

@griffinboyce: Yeah, I don't like the choices on that either. You can have stubble, ingrown hairs, razor burn & nicks on your nether regions, or slather them in hot wax and rip all your hair out, most likely spread-eagled in front of a stranger. Sexxy.

@ameliaheartsu: I used to get overwhelmed by panic and cry every time I heard loud sirens go by. I have no idea why; maybe because ambulances and fire trucks are connected with really intense, emotional events? I just don't know.

@H_is_for_Heretic: Holy smokes, I can scarcely believe that's the same woman. In the playboy photo, she is so gorgeous (the hair! love!). She was more than perfect just the way she was. What the heck did she do to herself? She looks like a hideous blow-up doll now.

@queenhobart: My husband was startled when he noticed cellulite on my hips one day, so I told him he had it too. He didn't believe me, and was very distraught when I showed him. It was never spoken of again.

@cottoncandy_sweetandlow: I was really happy to see pubic hair on the playmates. I feel like a hairy freak these days with the bare-down-there trend.

@cessenpr: I always thought they were just screaming in terror.

@AtomiClash humanitarian mizanthrope: I can't handle the favourite things episodes either. The screaming and crying and wailing is just too much. It's like Jesus himself popped out of that huge box to model the latest cashmere sweater.

I hope a generous sponsor offers these asshats a free vasectomy and tubal to get them out of the gene pool.

@newmakcity: Yeah, what happened to her on GG? She used to be a fairly sane, interesting character, and somehow she went from journalism in Haiti to super evil schemer. Disappointing.

@TheWorstMugger: Maybe drop something even crazier on them so they're so freaked out that they feel huge relief when you say "just pulling your leg" and everything else will seem less crazy by comparison?

@Amanda Clark: I've done that too...I generally boycott holidays that involve family gatherings. I try to let them down gently, but it's never a hit.