No one calls a Jeep Cherokee or GC a CUV. I don’t think there are any actual rules governing this. It’s just weird gatekeepers like yourself.
No one calls a Jeep Cherokee or GC a CUV. I don’t think there are any actual rules governing this. It’s just weird gatekeepers like yourself.
Seriously? You didn’t know that many cars have this lane change tap function? Shame! As for the self-cancelling signals on a motorcycle, my 1986 Honda VFR had that yet none of my newer bikes (2001,2007, 2012 Hondas, Ducatis and BMWs) did.
Tastes like hate. The money goes to the owner/founder who funds anti-GLBTQ hate groups. If people had a moral compass they would boycott the Hate-Fil-A and support a local restaurant.
Police serve a vital function to society and their presence is needed. I think virtually everyone with any measure of sense can admit that at some level. However, one bad apple really does spoil the bunch. Until police officers and their unions are willing and able to act in the best interests of the society they are…
OK, if the opening image is anything to go by, the article will be great. Aston, Goonie bird and an F-14 are all favourites and I know I like Victoria’s writing, its on the list to read today. thank you for the recommendation.
I know I shouldn’t speak of other sites here, but If you haven’t read the Victoria Scott’s adventures on The Drive, they may be worth a look. A trans woman’s tales of finding self, America and fixing a minivan with bondage gear.
Thanks for the article.
Wait, so you’re responsible for David’s Jeep addition? Okay.
Jake also gave me my earliest car writing gig, where I told stories on Out Motorsports before coming here.
I just want to mention that Jake is the man who taught me how to wrench over 20 years ago. He was the president of JMU’s car club, I was founder of UVA’s.
We became friends; now we’re both involved in automotive media. Small world.
The dude is awesome.
In general, removing a FICO score requirement should be celebrated because FICO scores are total scams that do nothing other than perpetuate the wealth gap in this country.
Yeah, well, back when your grandfather was alive that may have been true but if the last 20 years have taught us anything is that there really are differences that we need to pay attention to.
I spent a good part of my life living in Germany and what always amazes me is how bad Americans are at driving.
100 years of experience gave us the two sided pull through pumps we have today. These work just fine for trailers. Why Tesla and other charging stations ignored this setup is beyond me. Maybe it’s a space issue. Another great feature they all seem to ignore is a roof over the pumps.
Put one of those protective bras on the front of the hood, and now it’s a leather daddy pride truck.
I’m an old guy who grew up when open homophobia was not just the norm, it was literally considered a moral imperative. To be called “gay” or “fag” were among the worst insults.
So you’re saying they use a group of people as a synonym for anything they dont like? Yeah, thats not ok.
The rainbow motif as executed here may be a bit much for my personal taste, mostly as I don’t really like any decals or even bumper stickers on a car (not even when talking iconic decals), but I absolutely friggin love the sparkly gold. If I were designing it I’d have done the rainbow as a gradient transitioning along…
I know they are cheap to rent and all that, BUT the way they are set up, as you pointed out, that you have to pull the car all the way forwards, is such a shitty compromise. I am usually hauling something small ( the last times I rented one was for a Fiat X1/9, a Mazda Miata, and then a Mini Cooper), and pulling all…