My dad loves baseball and kept trying to get me to like it. I am thankful for no Internet when I brought a book to a Mets game and also gave dirty looks to cheering children.
My dad loves baseball and kept trying to get me to like it. I am thankful for no Internet when I brought a book to a Mets game and also gave dirty looks to cheering children.
Oddly, I haven’t noticed that visual quirk having as noticeable an impact on male actors as female ones. I wonder why that is? Is it a fat-v-muscle issue? Male actors on screen and IRL look basically the same to me.
Are we already talking about 1992 as ‘those days’?
The scary, sad part is, the camera really does add 10 pounds. I know many actresses, some who are very thin, but on film they look slim or average. I can’t even imagine how thin Parker really was during SATC days, as she looked very on film.
They wouldn’t have hired the chubby actress to begin with. They’ll just hire a historically always thin one, then pressure her to make sure she remains that way.
Woman has always been rail-thin so yeah, bizarre is really the most appropriate word. Like you don’t give someone a treadmill if you want them to bulk up.
If this is how a naturally thin woman is treated, imagine chubby or fat actresses. I don’t even want to know what they are told but I’m sure it ain’t pretty.
SJP has always been very fit so this is just bizarre.
Yeah, but a LOT of people think of Buddhism as an enlightened exception. This is a reminder that it really isn’t.
All major religions are fucked up patriarchies! Just a reminder.
Yeah....I’m due a month after her and I’ve been in “nothing but elastic waists” for months power to her, I guess? Also, is it me or does her face (the expression mostly) remind any one else of an Olsen twin?
I disagree. I think that self-identifying as a member of a group that you are not actually a part of makes it that much harder for members of the group to work to reduce stigma associated with being members of the group.
What killed me is her “I refuse to think of fat as a negative term” OK, great for you lady, that still doesn’t make you fat. Kindly fuck off with this nonsense.
Body dysmorphia sucks, but insisting to other people that you’re fat when you’re not actively harms people who are actually fat. This is Rachel Dolezal-level shit, and it needs to stop.
Is she Dolezaling us?
Maybe it’s because I am 5’0” 195lbs... but I have been 5’0” and 135lbs (Not to mention DD boobs) and in no way can I possibly consider that anywhere in the realm of “fat.” To me that is super in shape. I don’t have a problem with fat, but I just don’t think any reasonable person would consider a 5’1” 135lb woman or a…
It would be quite a blow to lose the luminaries behind such masterpieces of filmmaking as White Chicks and Scary Movie.
Okay, boys, make sure you do this in as chickenshit a manner as possible. You hit him while his back is turned, then you hit him while he’s down.
You know, a weird thought just occurred to me: maybe, and hear me out on this one, but maybe they take high school football too seriously in Texas.
Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.