
This isn't about race. For once, let it not be about race, because it isn't. It's about mental illness in the community, guns and unspeakable tragedy. Plenty of race issues to pick on; this is not one.

Yes there is: Put That Shit Away.

Wow. 4.5 minutes of this. That is dedication to some hip shaking in front of a lot of nonplussed customers.

But what a dead-eyed audience!! Yikes! Would be a nightmare as a performer.

At least I got this GIF from the cold open:

Unless you're filming this for evidence AFTER A 911 CALL TO THE POLICE, you are an asshole. This makes me rage for the lack of concern from everyone on that bus.

If you're at the point where you're doing heroin, it's probably less about enjoyment and more about not feeling pain.

Social worker PSA:

Two points;

JLaw! You do NOT take your girl down with you! Sister Rules! Know them, follow them.

I will never not be a feminist and I fucking LOVE these. Like, seriously really really love them.

I love clothed boners. They hold so much potential for unwrapping fun.

Did anyone else notice these captions? (yes, I am twelve)

Uh well if that makes you a bad feminist then I am a really bad feminist because I am loving these photos. Give me more please and thanks!

Not only do I watch Netflix on my computer, I sometimes watch it on my iPad. Like if I'm washing dishes or doing laundry, I prop the tablet up, put on some earbuds, and it's Welcome To Awesometown. Population: Me.

I love the paradigm shift that the "less tech-savvy crowd" are the ones who actually DO use their computers.

I miss the implication by your question.

Everybody conceded last night to NBC. They could have run it in its entirety and still sold more advertising.

It's hilarious. NBC needs to cut out content so that it isn't too long. But Sunday Night Football can be on until nearly midnight because we need commercials after touchbacks and time outs to ice the kicker.

Everyone is cheering for this guy for gaming the system, and seem to be rather upset that people are upset. The contestant's purpose is to win as much money as possible, certainly, and this seems like a solid approach for doing so. The audience's (and in turn the show's) purpose, however, is entertainment. So to hate

You are missing the point. The people that invent those stories and tweets probably do not read lifehacker.