
I am distracted by - and not buying - that the doctor would ever have fallen for Isaac. She is a woman of science and presumably living/working among other robots for some time, and he had really give nothing to indicate he was interested until she (as you say) anthropomorphized him. He doesn’t even have a mouth! That

She’s so tedious

I don’t see where choosing to do a private gig is “setting personal scruples or professional standards aside”. It’s pretty standard in the business at all levels.

She’s a screaming, entitled child. That said, props to her wardrobe people. I covet all of her outfits.

This is so boring they’ll be forgotten in a few months

I saw this when it aired. It’s such hot (derivative) garbage

He fancies himself a fashion aficionado, but you’re right - he’s a disaster. And she is under 30 and has already had so many procedures she’s looking like a Real Housewife.

The love for her is baffling to me. She *acts* like she’s a performer, but she’s never really performing. And her singing voice and songwriter are meh.

Yep, I can absolutely hear it in her voice.

This applies to literally any project she’s part of

Never underestimate the sway of a speed talking, frenetic douche-bro, I guess?

Holy shit that was terrifying.

Right, as someone who produces music festivals that are smaller than this, we start planning a year in advance, rigorously. To think you could pull something like this off with little to no infrastructure just by continuing to throw money (or the appearance of money) at it is the ultimate audacity.

That is the most brilliant and perfect idea!

How much plastic surgery has she had that she looks like she’s wearing a mask? And why??

She’s a hot mess. I turned on her show a handful of times last month and each time she was sitting because of the “shoulder injury”. Even during the segments where she’d normally stand, she was sitting. There’s got to be something else going on.

I hold doors and do all those courtesies for everyone, but I’ve seen it go from “men do it regularly for me” to “men look right through me, sometimes with a look that says ‘not in a million years, grandma’”...

I guess but... it really feels like needle in a haystack time

They rarely do.

Though I love your comment, I haven’t found it a relief. I’m also still single, so that means I need to catch the eye of SOMEONE if I want that to change. And what’s heartbreaking and infuriating to me is the realization that straight men compartmentalize women into 2 categories: fuckable, and ones they want to