
YES. I'm in a really different time personally and this show is just…a balm for the soul. No joke. It's life affirming.

No she's terrible

Agreed, very little actual singing.

Lord(e), someone please teach Lorde some mic technique!

Really? I think he's fantastic.

"Fucking in flames" was like a jumped the shark moment for me. Too much. Also, isn't there a point at which the hosts are too damaged to repair? Melting would seem to be pretty destructive.

I think it may be the wings eyeliner that's bothering you. It's totally exaggerated

That is…somewhat correct (as I was just told by Sarah herself).

Esp if one just spent 50k on a coffee truck

Ray is the best

I've been there more times than I wish to count, where I watch the new happy couple walk away together (usually without benefit of a new partner)

The "agreement" of the viewer with the creator vis-a-vis the FX show seems like it allows for (much) more flexibility in reality. At least that's how it feels to me. But all of your points are really good, esp #1

Love the show, love Louis, and there were some plot holes in this ep that were distracting to me:
1.) that they wouldn't have already contacted the police even though Pete had been gone for a week
2.) that Tricia, someone who is solidly managing her own illness, would think it reasonable that Pete would be ok by


Not "fill-in" station, *filling* station, like gas station

YES, this is how I felt too. Despite the boys' near-worship of their mother, she was still a fairly shitty mother. And the father seems terrible at worst, incoherent at best. These aren't good parenting examples.

It was pretty horrible. I'm surprised at all the good reviews. Bateman, however, was incredible.

If by "foolproof" you mean "will work for almost noone because people are fleeing religion in droves as they realize that a need for the supernatural is a vestige of a bygone era when we needed to explain things that scared us", then sure, it's foolproof.

No, but I don't remember that at all. I'll have to re-watch.

I wish that had been part of the story.