
Um no not really since someone also lost a job.


Our election isn’t until the fall, actually, and our voters will have had at the very least the benefit of an Abitur- or Realschule reading level of education and a lack of access to freewheeling hate speech and guns at Chipotle for more than two generations. The outcome is far from a foregone conclusion.

That’s because it’s actually not true.

Hi. I’m sorry for the experiences you had with gaslighting and abuse but it does help us spot these traits in others.

Haven’t noticed any yet.

I’m simply talking about biology, and since I am a zoologist it is likely I have some basis for such conclusions. No one is talking about pop psychology except the people on Jezebel.

Are you going to take these 850,000 Flüchtlinge off our hands while we go fuck ourselves, you mindless Zionist moron?

I don’t see anything here about you owning the consequences of being anti science, anti reason, and anti gay...

No not at all. But as far as enemies go I’d rather take on a holy roller any day over pro-porn, pro-prostitution, polyamorous, collaborator “cool girls” who are economically enthralled to their video-game playing beta bro men.

Maybe because the left has thrown women under the bus at every opportunity.

Exactly. The willful ignorance wrought on society by Anglophones. This isn’t even an issue in civilization.

Nice implication. Turkey is a secular country.

I think maybe you don’t know what the suffix “-phobia” means.

You are uneducated about both feminism and manners if you use a slur like TERF.

Biological science deniers are no different than climate change refuseniks and anti-vaxxers.

It’s not going on anyone’s passport who intends to use the passport for its intended purpose, to gain permission to enter another sovereignty based upon agreed identification standards. Passports are generated by the so far still sane State Department, anyway.

You could always just read it and see what it’s about...sometimes the first paragraph kind of sets it up...

In a strange way I admire the transparency of this post, that a critical Jezebel mission is promoting and reveling in women who compete and fight with and among each other, often over issues of vanity and male attention. It is so much more honest than covering Amber Rose’s faux “take back the night” walks as if they

You also lost the ability to speak German. It’s die Karotte. Feminine, one R. Seriously stop drawing comparisons from your contemporary culture with ours. While we were dealing with 850,000 Flüchtlinge, you elected this idiot. You, not us.