
Let me guess that you are fat. Considering that your job involves blocking people from posting comments about a dumb blog, I would also guess that you are kind of dumb with not much going on in your life. Well, I am going to complain on the internet about Jezebel censorship!

Is there some reason why you are trying to censor my comments? They are neither obscene nor libelous nor irrelevant to the conservation. Here is the comment that should be posted provided that free speech is tolerated on this site:

In any free society, people do in fact have the right to bring children into the world under less than perfect circumstances. For instance, it could be argued (based on scientific evidence) that it is less than ideal for people with IQs below the 50th percentile to have kids. After all, IQ appears to be an inherited

In any free society, people do in fact have the right to bring children into the world under less than perfect circumstances. For instance, it could be argued (based on scientific evidence) that it is less than ideal for people with IQs below the 50th percentile to have kids. After all, IQ appears to be an inherited