
I have far more respect for developers who delay products to provide quality than those that rush products out the door that could have really stood to bake longer. It seems the later is far more the norm these days.

High notes/simplification: after the war, Japan was occupied by the Allies into the 50's (mainly the US), who sent a huge amount of aid and cash into the country. A treaty in '51 reestablished Japan as an independent state, and territories were gradually returned over time. During that period, trade with the US was a


Did you get inspired to do this article after watching this week's Bob's Burgers?

None of us are the same person *by that relation* as we were when we were born. We're constantly replacing cells throughout our lives. And as far as Star Trek is concerned, their transporter system is a bit *different*. The trek transporter - as described by the technical manual and Mr. Scott's Guide, does not use

First application? "Monsters Inc. 3"

This just increased my hype for Star Wars by a hundred-fold. The Wes Anderson version NEEDS to become a reality, it's so magical.


I find this to be an indispensible travel companion after a few Pan-Galactic Gargle Blasters:


As someone who has never met you and lives in New York City, I support this decision.

Indeed! Thank you, just corrected!

I'd eat it.

Now playing

I gotta say that the forest scene from Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows literally had me hanging my mouth open in theaters. It was a perfect use of slow motion as a storytelling tool AND eye candy. You really get a sense of how destructive and close those explosions are when the bursts of light fill the frame.

That's a tough building to get into a single shot... Here's mine

Well Hey, its Gluten free atleast ... so yea..

True. I indulged your fantasy:

I'm not sure that looking nice should even really be a consideration when purchasing headphones. I've had plenty of nice looking headphones that sounded like crap and fell apart after a few uses.

It's a DeLorean, it can't go that fast.