
Sure! The story I referenced above is called Babies and Bells. There's actually a series of 3 stories in the BaB universe: Surrogate, Babies and Bells, and Babies and Bells (Take Two). There's also a handful of one-shot Alternate Universe stories and afterstories that take place in the same universe. Fair warning,

You're not a jerk. I think the nature of commenting here is to make bold statements so our posts don't get lost in the sauce. It's been a pleasure speaking with you! I'm a frequent commenter on Jez / Lifehacker but created this burner for, well, obvious reasons. I'll be kinda sad to log out.

You don't have to care. Your emotions are your own and you can take from this what you will. There are many things posted across Gawker Media that I don't care about. I just don't click those links. Some people have been introduced to something they may not have known existed. Whether they found it cool, gross,

...but I don't think there was anything in my comment that implied that the entire group was MRAs.

How about developmental abnormalities, or birth defects? How about pregnancy complications, such as preeclampsia, or placenta previa, or gestational diabetes?


There are some stories that continue on; those generally become epics that infuse the everyday minutae into some larger dramatic plot. But please consider also that at the end of the day, this is entertainment, not journalism. All fiction stories must end eventually. To continue on indefinitely would be the

This made me giggle. A large segment of our community is women, and another large segment are gay. For the hetero stories and art we see, the male-female relationships are largely positive and loving. I'm not saying there might not be MRAs into it, but wouldn't carrying be considered too beta? I see them more

Thanks, but we know.

Thank you for a well thought-out comment. I'm a very active member of MpregCentral. I'm also a woman of childbearing age. Each person's reasons for liking Mpreg are so individualized but what drew me to to was indeed the fact that pregnancy is somewhat romanticized. Prior to being involved in the community I was (and