Would be nice if euron would gift cersi tyrion
Would be nice if euron would gift cersi tyrion
It was a Microsoft twitter AI that learned things. Well you know what happens on the Internet or in real life. Much like the robot that tried to hitch hike across the US. Vandalized.
I used to think living in a monastery during the middle ages was the best life in those days. that Montage just wanted me to puke.
I just hope HBO doesn’t give us a perfectly happy ending where both Jon snow (stark?) and daenarys are the winners. I want a george martin ending, a cruel bittersweet ending that is also satisfying.
Everyone was introduced into anime a bit differently. Based on your suggestions I would assume you started with adult swim late 90s or early 2000s. big o and outlaw star were good but not considered masterpieces. Why not start with the best? She picked widely acclaimed anime.
When we start genetically engineering our babies with CRISPR, this won’t be an issue anymore.
I agree. Social commentaries has no place in videogames. Lets keep it vanilla just like hollywood.