
It’s weird because I’ve never been so hard in my life. These liberal tears are the best aphrodisiac I’ve ever experienced. I feel like I’m 17 again.

I hope you’re correcting their misunderstanding by telling them it’s only illegal aliens that should be worried. Let them know law abiding legal immigrants are fine.

Remember when conservatives did this after Barack Obama was elected in ‘08? Oh, wait, you don’t, because IT DIDN’T HAPPEN.

I’m resorting to violence and arson in order to come to grips with the idea that all people who disagree with me are racist idiots that can’t possibly have anything worthwhile to offer to my life all while continuing to surround myself with media sources that only support my opinions instead of possibly looking at

Pretty fantastic, really. My candidate won.

I was/am a Trump-hater.

50% of America is doing just great! Why do you ask?

I’m a well adjusted, rational adult and not a child in a large body. That’s how.

I’m a grown-up.

By not being a big baby and getting on with life?

Woke up, ate breakfast, and went to fucking work like every other person that has to put food on the table every night. Life goes on.

“Orange is the new black”

Man, I’m tired of the snark. Grow up.

And hopefully an F-U to the countless twits castigating democracy, against the so-called “BernieBots.” Accept your failed candidate, your failed choice, stop the name calling, and then we can move forward.

Except like I said above, I’m not white. I’d suggest less posting and more reading on your part. It helps.

What did the harbor ever do to you, man?!?

How soon you all forget.

Maybe we should give Trump a chance to see what he does. What if he surprises everyone and does a great job when in office. What if he really does balance the budget?

Wow. Cry on the internet much? Here’s what you should do: shut your whining mouth, get on with your life, and do some good for the world instead of blaming every fucking thing you’ve ever experienced in your entire life.

White people born in countries with a majority non-white population are still, wait for it, white people.