
An indifferent fuck up that fellow officers likely covered up for. People like this don’t happen in a vacuum and it’s never a one time thing. This is what pisses me off about the one bad apple surrounded by a lot of good apples. Cops who stand by while one of their own escalates to the point of killing someone aren’t

An indifferent fuck up that fellow officers likely covered up for. People like this don’t happen in a vacuum and it’s never a one time thing. This is what pisses me off about the one bad apple surrounded by a lot of good apples. Cops who stand by while one of their own escalates to the point of killing someone aren’t

While wearing simple homespun dresses and sensible shoes. Except for Sunday when they break out the colorful suits and giant hats for church. They’re grandma names - no offense to anyone with an old timey name.

Being prudent would be not getting behind the wheel at all. Opiates normally take about half an hour to fully kick in but different people react differently. Also, by the time the medication does start to kick in, your decision making ability may be impaired enough to think that you can make it home instead of pulling

Unusual, I mean. Damn Kinja

Unusual, I mean. Damn Kinja

I have an usual name thanks to my father. Apparently my mom wanted to go the old school name route so I would have been ‘Pearl’. I don’t know why since we don’t have any other Pearls in the family but my mom liked it. Dad wasn’t too keen on it and I ended up named after someone he met while he was in the merchant

I have an usual name thanks to my father. Apparently my mom wanted to go the old school name route so I would have been ‘Pearl’. I don’t know why since we don’t have any other Pearls in the family but my mom liked it. Dad wasn’t too keen on it and I ended up named after someone he met while he was in the merchant

Baltimore is pretty cash strapped and, as much as I might hate to say it, the influx of money from the ‘collectors’ who would bid on these statues could be used for a variety of things to improve the city. It likely won’t be but that’s a whole other issue. If some racist asshole wants to bid on a statue and therefore

How long people will continue to delude themselves into thinking that these guys are just rando ‘troubled’ individuals rather than domestic terrorists?

I know. I thought they were the makeup artist’s hands at first. Don’t know why. I’m not even going to try to blame it on lack of caffeine

For some reason I thought that was the make up artist’s hands. So yeah, never mind.

I’ve never understood how things like this are about celebrating or embracing another culture. There are so many other ways to do that, none of which involve making someone over into another race or slapping on whatever you feel represents that culture the best.

It really is. If not for the before picture, I would not have known that the model is white.

Same here. I grew up on food stamps and government surplus food. My parents divorced and my dad took off to parts unknown. My mother applied for and received benefits. This was during the time when a worker would come out to your house to verify that there was no man in the home so people with intact marriages who

Same here. I grew up on food stamps and government surplus food. My parents divorced and my dad took off to parts unknown. My mother applied for and received benefits. This was during the time when a worker would come out to your house to verify that there was no man in the home so people with intact marriages who

It feeds their narrative that people on SNAP and other benefits are junkies, criminals, and lazy moochers. Unfortunately, this just confirms what a lot of their viewers already think and they can’t or don’t want to think beyond that.

It’s a solution to some of the problems. Along with social services that are designed to actually help people as opposed to locking them into the system. No one solution is going to fix everything - a living wage would mean that people might actually be able to afford housing and food while tapping into child care

I think fertile women of color would be prized for their ability to produce a worker/slave class. White women would be the ultimate prize as white men would continue to be in charge and white babies would be necessary to maintain that status quo. From what I can tell with the Hulu series, the fertility rate has

Go home, Earthers is more appropriate. But I get the idea behind what they’re saying. Basically indigenous people rejecting what they see as an attempt by outsiders to spread their culture to places where it isn’t wanted. The same way that European colonists wanted to civilize all of those non-white ‘savages’ who