
Tomi Lahren isn’t leading as much as she’s taken advantage of the fact that being a blonde, white woman who spouts conservative rhetoric = money and attention. I’ll give her points for knowing how to get attention and sympathy. Unfortunately, most black women aren’t afforded the same sort of opportunities and end up

That’s the first thing I thought when I saw the image. It looks like a Victorian ball. But, then again, this is at a time when, presumably, things are newer and shinier than they would have been during the original or prequel movies. In The Force Awakens we mostly got to look at a scrubby desert planet, a First Order

That’s the first thing I thought when I saw the image. It looks like a Victorian ball. But, then again, this is at a time when, presumably, things are newer and shinier than they would have been during the original or prequel movies. In The Force Awakens we mostly got to look at a scrubby desert planet, a First Order

That’s the first thing I thought when I saw the image. It looks like a Victorian ball. But, then again, this is at a time when, presumably, things are newer and shinier than they would have been during the original or prequel movies. In The Force Awakens we mostly got to look at a scrubby desert planet, a First Order

But they’re not going to prime her to turn it around. She’s being rewarded for acting like a brat which gives her no incentive to change. Worse, she’s being rewarded as some sort of novelty for engaging in the sort of behavior that non-white girls of the same age would get criticized for. The only thing she’s

Unfortunately you’re right, the people who support these changes don’t care. To them, anyone who isn’t clearly deserving is a no good leech who should just get a job. They don’t care about the 54 year old with chronic pain from a work injury who can’t get disability or Medicare because they haven’t worked enough

They’ll blame the Latino family down the street because they’re probably illegals/harboring illegals and getting government assistance that should go to deserving, hard-working white people. Or they’ll blame the black woman they saw in the news story about Medical Assistance because she was talking on a probably new

How about investing in real job training programs then? Or restructuring public assistance so that people can come off in stages rather than yanking all of the means tested support because overtime knocked them over scale during their six-month review? This is the usual Republican/conservative class warfare bullshit.

People who do custom doll clothes and historical doll costuming most likely since you want to go for the super authentic look. High end fashion dolls usually have removable underwear for the same reason as opposed to the Barbie molded plastic with a floral design.

Businesses can choose to refuse service to people as long as that reason is not discriminatory towards a protected class. You can’t refuse service to a black people but you can refuse service to a black person who is acting like an obnoxious asshole. Neo-Nazis aren’t a protected class. In this case, I think it’s more

You can do all of that and still view a person as an object there to meet your particular needs. Objectification isn’t necessarily a negative thing. If everyone involved is on the same page and the person providing the service is a willing participant with control over their situation, it’s not a problem. That’s what

I’ve never been really able to wrap my head around it either. If objectification is always a negative, why does that change if your audience is primarily women rather than men?

It sounds like she’s stripping ‘powerful’ men like Ludlow of their responsibility to behave in an appropriate and professional manner. It’s more of that ‘men can’t help themselves’ mindset that a lot of conservative people seem to have. It places all of the onus on the victim rather than on the person who really has

It’s not about celebrating rape, it’s about creating false distinctions (rape rape, maybe rape, non-consensual but still not rape), slut shaming victims, and making excuses for a sliding scale of questionable behaviors. Rape culture is making excuses for people like Brock Turner or Bill Cosby or acting as if it’s

Lovecraft became pop culture ages ago. Did you miss out on the Re-Animator movie from 1985? Herbert West popping up in Kim Newman’s Anno Dracula series? Any and all versions of crawling, ancient gods and monsters in a variety of comics, books, and movies that I’m sure you consider to be inferior? Not to mention the

Lovecraft became pop culture ages ago. Did you miss out on the Re-Animator movie from 1985? Herbert West popping up in Kim Newman’s Anno Dracula series? Any and all versions of crawling, ancient gods and monsters in a variety of comics, books, and movies that I’m sure you consider to be inferior? Not to mention the

Lovecraft became pop culture ages ago. Did you miss out on the Re-Animator movie from 1985? Herbert West popping up in Kim Newman’s Anno Dracula series? Any and all versions of crawling, ancient gods and monsters in a variety of comics, books, and movies that I’m sure you consider to be inferior? Not to mention the

Unfortunately, that understanding is shaped by proclaimed MRAs/PUA who are very vocal with their misogyny. Like conservative Christians, the loudest, most controversial people become the face of your movement. Which means that calling yourself an MRA immediately gets you lumped in with men who see women as hateful,

Not really. It’s not a momentary lapse in judgement to take someone’s picture and either email it or post it to social media. That’s a purposeful act and she earned her smack down for violating this woman’s privacy. It’s amazingly easy not to take a picture of someone without their consent. Her being a pretty white

Also great for spotting people who have a hard on for proving smart they are in the most classist, ignorant way possible.