That right there is also the reason why you’re losing everyone under the age of 40: it’s not our obligation to be grateful for us not being Saudi Arabia. It’s not on us to be grateful that, in fact, our promises that we are the land of the free and the home of the brave are sometimes honored. Occasionally, for some of…
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
I have a one year old daughter and these four women are the main reason I have some hope that I didn’t make a horrible mistake bringing her into this world.
Counterpoint: “Metroidvania” is just fine, has been around for decades, and is an established term that refers to a specific genre of game. Specifically, one in which you’re placed into a maze-like world that requires getting powerups to advance, and once you do, the door is open for incremental backtracking and…
a purple-haired lesbian surrounded by her teammates with giant “DARE TO SHINE” signs around her is like, an incredible image as we reach the end of Pride Month, it makes my gay little heart so fucking happy.
Tuck Chodd
No, wait, I’d like to change my comment, if I may. This kind of knee-jerk immaturity serves no one. And obviously it’s more like Chuck Wad, am I not right.
More like Chunk Turd amirite.
Ain’t that some shit though, black people are the only ones expected to be calm and non-reactive when an armed thug and his gang buddies have you surrounded and are screaming in your face.
Pat Shanahan is the acting Secretary of Defense? As a former Boeing employee, that scares me very deeply.
Sushi doesn’t go with crackers.
It’s her own damn fault for not having the courage of her cosmetic convictions. The eyeshadow didn’t actually look bad on her, but she wasn’t feeling it, and you gotta be on the same cosmic level as your eye-makeup, you gotta be feeling it, otherwise it turns on you. Womp womp.
Truth! External combustion engines are generally problematic