Otto von Bismarck's Hat

My grandma wore housedresses. When she died, and we went through her clothes, it was the one thing that I said absolutely had to be saved. She mostly had two or three in a rotation, but the one I wanted was pink and floral print. It may have come from Hawaii. It took a while before I was bold enough to wear it myself,

She explains in great detail why, as a Black woman, she can’t be completely excited about this. Including the ways that Harris has failed Black people in the past, and the way the last Black person in the Oval Office let her down. So I’m the plain and simple fact that Kamala Harris is Black, regardless

I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...

I’m not racist and i never have been but i need to speak up about this because just not being racist isn’t enough.

Neither Michael’s brain nor this site have the bandwidth to detail all the oppression and brutality.

The saddest part is how many murdered Black people and uprisings didn’t even make this list.

I really have no idea. I’m with you, I have little tolerance for video and just want to read.

The bigger mystery to me is, who watches these videos? Who follows these people and wants to listen to basic people spewing basic shit for 45 minutes, which could be condensed into 2 minutes but they stretch it out foreeeeever to get more $$$$?

I made a comment on my Facebook that I was down with her losing her job and the public shaming and all that, but that I couldn’t imagine anything more devastating than having my pets taken away. My comments were full of my middle class, middle aged white female friends talking about how she was an abusive pet owner

Marie Kondo changed my life. That is all. 

Yeah, this site might fold. But you are still a pretentious asshole

Ugh, fuck off.

I want to be that cat.  That is all. 

I suspect her honest answer would be “but don’t you know, that’s so last year...” - in a certain world, opinions don’t just have to be right, they have to be expressed at the fashionable time. If you say something true, but the fashionable people have already said it, then you’re just a follower, donchaknow, and to be

Right. The fact is, we should be beyond this pressuring of women as a society, but we aren’t. This is where we are. Why is it bad to call bullshit on it? I mean, it *is* bullshit. Emma Watson being famous doesn’t mean she is immune to it.

To Joan, the highest possible crime is saying something that other people have already said.  Amplifying means nothing in her opinion.

So Watson uses her spotlight to spotlight things and, as per usual, Jezebel decides the best course of action is a snark piece.

You really ought to change the tagline of the blog from “A Supposedly Feminist Website” to “Not Even Really Pretending to Be A Feminist Website”.

Y’know what? This is belittling for no good reason. Billie has talked at length about how crazy and potentially unsafe it can be for her to be in public, and also how worried she gets about contestant scrutiny and judgement. So it sounds like she just wants people to be safe and not do stupid shit that she could get

agreed. this is trash journalism.

Under the guidance of the KonMari method, I and thousands of others submitted to the belief that happiness and a sense of mental clarity can be attained by having less and keeping only the items that “spark joy.”