Otto's Grove

Finally. FINALLY. Now if only Fet and Setrakian would ditch the blundering morons and seek many an adventure together, huzzah!

You mean you expected the vampires from the tunnels to come streaming out and infect people, and not just the one coroner staggering around infecting a few folks here and there? That's crazy talk!

Can we please just have Setrakian and Fet team up and kick ass, already? Screw everyone else. Those are the only two characters worthwhile at this point.

Good stuff. The one thing I'm disappointed not to see, though? Rookie of the Year. "I ain't seen the floater pitch since Scuffy McGee!"

Soooo…L + R = J is more than likely the theory he's talking about, right?

My favorite part after they go deal with Ansel is that it means, with his comments about priorities, washing some dead vampires dishes is more important than taking down the body of a woman who had hanged herself.

Can we please talk about the hilarity involved in Eph and Setrakian raiding the French guy's fridge and making a nice breakfast, AND THEN DOING THE DISHES?

I'm not going to watch this show until Simon tells me exactly how to do so, because lord knows I don't want to mess it up.

Holy crap, I had to stop and try to remember who the hell Gus is. It took me a solid 10 seconds to think of it.

Pizzolatto recently hinted that there will be four central characters, so there's still time to incorporate a couple female leads.

Agreed. Hell, even schlocky stuff like Fright Night, he's pretty terrific because he gets to just chew scenery. He's at his best when he can be quirky and slightly unhinged.

Farrell is a really underrated guy, because he suffered the curse of being hyped so much that he became overrated (and took so many bad roles) to the point where people now undervalue what he can do. Look at him when he's not trying to play the handsome, smooth lead and he gets quirky and weird, and he's fantastic.

Farrell's expression up there is from when he was told they're thinking about casting Taylor Kitsch alongside him.

That would make sense timing wise. We don't need to see Kate drive Jack back to CIA headquarters, get debriefed, etc. Seems like a natural place to jump forward an hour or two.

Tommy Carcetti could have cleaned up Baltimore a lot faster if he took a page or two out of Littlefinger's play book.