
No - it’s get the QUESTIONS right.

I have found the most efficient way to play Jeopardy! is to get the answers right.

Every time you climax you hear the wilhelm scream. 

The question about the longest fire pole you’d be willing to descend pretty much requires the xkcd What If? about a fire pole from the moon to the earth.

Kotaku should do a “12 Best Board Games for your Collection” like they do for all the consoles.

larger truth: The captains of industry we venerate for their perceived brilliance are often huge dumbasses when it comes to anything other than accumulating a lot of money and turning it into more

Totally disagree. I want to get the majority of the drive done on day 1 then have a manageable drive the next day to at least try to maximize that day of “vacation.”

His tunnel boring machine must have hit a major breakthrough, given the rate at which he is digging himself in a hole.

... Or she knew she was better off losing money for a few months or years than to leave the job market and try to get back in once the kids were in school.

Splinter cell did it 15 years ago

That’s the problem - they’re uncomfortable to sit in, and you’re jammed up right next to the next person so it’s a struggle to get on and off the stool without giving the next person an involuntary unsexy lap dance

That’s my main objection. I would be fine with sitting at the bar if I didn’t feel like I was either perched atop a precarious pyramid or hunched like a troll because the bar stool has terrible ergonomics/support. Also, I really hate how most bars put the bar stools about 2 inches from each other so you’re all over

Too bad most bar stools suck.

i think a lot of assholes confuse colloquiums and misc phrases for as some excuse to shitpost

but pro-tip:  you just wind up looking like a “well actually”  dick bag

Every episode of the Queer Eye reboot has that same peppy, uplifting sugary sweet tone to it. We watched around 2-3 of them, and I realized that it was like drinking a series of fancy coffee drinks, and that beyond a caffeine buzz, I was getting nothing out of it. The design stuff was very one note, the guys don’t

I wouldn’t call an off-handed joke a “rabid anti-tesla rant”, but I guess if you’re hyper-sensitive you could perceive it as such.

It’s all relative, doxxing this pathetic piece of shit is still on a moral higher ground than advocating for the brutal indiscriminate separating of children from their parents and locking them up indefinitely.

technically its an incel phone

On the other side, adviser Stephen Miller is taking sadistic joy in seeing photos of crying children and triggering outrage among liberals and traditional conservatives.

The more time I spent with it, the more I realized it’s definitely a game that gets in its own way a lot. If Ubisoft was willing to tinker with it though, I think it could smooth over a lot of those missteps though, at least in terms of the gameplay.