
If I recall correctly it's best to use 200cc rectally to rid oneself of the Covid germs internally after showering in the petrol. I always crave a smoke after a quality enema....

Pffft, I just fill quart ziplock freezer bags with the gas and freeze it! Keeps super fresh that way, I don't need to buy any stabil like you chumps!! They ain't stealing my money with that black magic Hokum!!

Yes, owned a 96 Toyota Tercel (2005 lbs) for way too long. It was a car and that’s about it, zero refinement. It would get up to 67 mph tops and was scary to drive at that speed. Very uncomfortable to drive especally with the 13 inch wheels, although it did have AC, there was no cruise control and the radio was ok

Well it's 16 years old, who knows what else will need to be replaced and which are unicorn parts specific to the sport trac model that only had 3k in the states. There can't be a lot of parts still sitting around on dealer shelves and no aftermarket parts for a small azz production run.

Ya, the drivers who are paid decent and don’t have to drive 80hrs a week to make ends meet are safer drivers! Imagine that!

Tomacco stew!

Well it had to leave the shop somehow!

What if I have matching LS motors in my motorcycle and camaro? It's only 11.4 but I'm jamming it in a small garage.

And with the last name of TORCHinski.

I had a nice looking prerunner pickup that folded going over railroad tracks. Ran great, looked great, shit frame. 

For my business property in Milwaukee, I have to pay a fee based on square footage of parking lot to pay for the water treatment because everything gets mixed together. I can get a break or elimination if I somehow build a retention pond all pretty like and fence it in. Makes the suburbs more attractive!

That and the number of respiratory therapists is limited. You can't put people on ventilators if you don't have trained people to monitor them. There's simply a finite number of respirators that can be used. You can do training and certification, but that takes time and resources.

If the USAF really wants to save money and have personnel available for other missions, aircraft maintenance especially on older airframes needs to be privately sourced. When Lockheed did maintenance for the CIA on the U2, they did it with 10% of the crew that the USAF U2 maintained aircraft, and with less replacement

Remote control? With the advancement in recognition software, we should be able to build unmanned armor that could run on autopilot to hunt and destroy any enemy equipment on the battlefield. If survivability and crew needs were not a issue, we could probably field five or six tanks (maybe a dozen) with full armaments

He must have gotten his hands on some hellova potent weed to believe that the Earth is flat!!

I did the two year program and a year on the job apprentice program. Ten years later I make well north of 100k a year and usually take four weeks vacation too. Not too bad of a gig, if you can stick through the technical training and have a knack for mechanical work.