How much do you think I can bench press? What do you think? Take a guess.
How much do you think I can bench press? What do you think? Take a guess.
Came here looking for this reference. +1 bucket of Torkel chicken to you sir. #fastestchickeninthesouth
So, uhh, where are the pics? Asking for a friend.
+1 busted-ass Ford Festiva.
OH MY GAAAAWD!!! That baseball has a family!!!!-Jim Ross
“That parking job looks fine to me” Sincerely, Ted Kennedy.
This isn’t new. We had Trailer Backup Assist when I was a kid. It was my old man yelling, “GODDAMMIT!!! TURN THE WHEEL TO THE LEFT!!! TO THE LEFT!!!”...every time we put the boat in at the lake.
Dennis “Oil Can” Boyd is in the Hall of Fame of Best Nicknames. Put him in the Doc Gooden wing dedicated to great nicknames, combined with cocaine use.
“Bad hombres”, “Nasty women”...the restroom signs at Trump Tower.
Upon deep analysis of the clip, I came across this. Trump is right! #vastleftwingconspiracy
Trump sniffs all the goddamn time. Have you watched the debates?
Dicks out for Mike VI?
“It’s the ghosts of Pussy Past!”-Chris Rock
Pictured below, the cops who cracked the case:
Look! A commie! Get him!
They called the Charlotte PD because they had to deal with a large, upset black man? What did they expect the cops to do?
I’m so upset about the death of Jose Fernandez...Today was the last day of my fantasy league and he was scheduled to start, plus I had Matt Kemp not playing today. Long story short, I just lost the league championship 4-3. 24 weeks just pissed away. Goddamn my luck.
Incontinentia...Incontinentia Buttocks.
James Oglethorpe founded Georgia in 1732 as a settlement for England’s degenerate scum, miscreants, and scofflaws...nearly 400 years later, not much has changed, apparently.
Great googily moogily.