This guy?
This guy?
Sorry, but where are the boobs, again?
I'd put my money in frozen concentrated orange juice, if I were you. I know a guy that got ahold of the crop report in advance.
That's what you get when you don't toe the line.
Going faster miles an hour...
I suppose an "armored" vehicle would come in handy if/when some loon (like the aforementioned Lanza) wanted to shoot at them. Just a hunch/not a LEO. And if they got it on the cheap and share it with neighboring communities, good on them.
Marky Mark & the Transformers needs to be on here. Not only is it a terrible movie in its own right, it did well enough overseas, that we're likely to see more. Uggh.
What about white?
Fuck you, Daisuke! That jacket is awesome; and I take umbrage at you saying otherwise! You wanna go, brah?!?
2014 better watch her fucking mouth.
Cue up the Simon & Garfunkel.
"Riding Giants" is amazing, one of the best sports docs ever. Hunt down a copy and watch it.
Was the shampoo bottle pushed in at a medium pace?
It's "LOSE"!!!! As in, "You lose! Good day, sir!". "LOOSE" is what is used to describe your mother.
He's one sexual assault credit short. Couldn't get it online.
Here's the original owner, who, in fact, sold the car for some crack.
You're on a long flight and you don't want to hear annoying sounds? Headphones/earbuds, folks. It's 2014, get with the technology.
Yup, that's pretty much the gist of it. Maybe that 12 year-old should've just shot up a movie theater or just been white.
When asked why he was wearing a steering wheel, he responded, "I originally had it in my pants and it was driving me nuts.".
Did you say "dance off"?