
Does it hurt being this gullible and stupid, or is it kind of relaxing?

You people are delusional.

I’m gonna have to cross her off of my Allison crush list: Hanigan, Mack, Brie, Scagliotti, Janney

I hate to be the bearer of bad news...

The point was that my uncle responded with the typical “defend Trump at all costs” response which is playing on the OP. And I only shared his opinion on Trump driving on the green. I didn’t know people would start asking for his opinion on everything else.
And since you don’t want his number to ask him a question but

Can we just play through this Presidency?

I feel like a “murder of assholes” unfairly maligns the noble crow.

Murder of Assholes, Pod of Fuckwagons, Pride of Flaccid Weens.

I tried to reread it recently and only made the first hundred or so pages before I realized this was TOO MUCH right now and I’d rather be reading American Gods again instead.

The fuck-up on this one is that green is now green apple.

Fox/Hen house. Taxes. Russia. Whatever, give the scumbag a CHANCE. He won! You didn’t hear US whining for EIGHT years, now did you? \s

Meanwhile, back in the world that actually exists, Perez will make a good DNC chair, just like Ellison would have., for a party that had a setback in 2016 but is hardly reduced to ashes.

Jay Williams and Jayson Williams. One blew out his knee, the other blew away his limo driver.

Just water now because I had seven shots (I thought it was four, but the waitress corrected me after I was done) of I-don’t-even-know-what in a huge fishbowl drink at a belated birthday lunch at a Mexican restaurant. My tolerance is low, so I’m actually still a bit tipsy even though it was about four hours ago.

Rage and adrenaline.

I’m kind of liking your dad’s girlfriend.

All the bourbon on the planet.

Literally everything I can get my hands on.

Frozen Blue Moon beer slushies. Keep it simple.