
Being professional as an actor helps you get future work. Think Jared Leto's bitching about "Suicide Squad" hasn't hurt him?
So long, Erlich, time to move on.

I'm no expert, but didn't ACD write a shit ton of Sherlock stories? How is it they have nothing else to adapt? WTF?????

16 million an episode? Just think what "Game of Thrones" could do with that chedder.

Get Out:And the Crystal Skull

Haven't wasted any time watching that show in years. NBC is the coward network.

Great series with just the right amount of episodes. (Netflix needs to look and learn) Looking forward to the next season. Meanwhile, "Fargo".

As long as we get plenty of Doctor Strange, Thor can do WETF.

Some one should remind Marah Eakin that we are dealing with a CBS show on CBS. The network of the over 50 that have made the CSI shows hits, not just here but worldwide. Marah and her oh, so, cool and hip iphone toting pals don't watch network TV. They are on Hulu and NetFlix and HBO GO and YouTube. So, step aside,

The movie was funny. Really don't see the fuss. Would those people with the stick up their butts just STFU.

2 seasons. Sarah was pregnant the 2nd season and it was covered by making her a hostage.

Josh, buddy, let me offer you some advise. Hire an assistant, I here that's a THING in the movie business, to review the intertubes for ya. You never need go near social media again. Duh.
Also, no likes (or hires) a quieter.

Having been in this joint for beers, can say I wasn't tempted by any of the food I saw. So, no big whoop.

Cold, so cold. Ha.

Yes. More movies like "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back". Problem is, Jay & Kev may be too old to play themselves. Ha.

Thank you. So how many credits in psychology did you take at your community college?

Pacific Rim and Blue Jasmine are the only 2 movies I had on my "must see" list this year. Both examples of why some movies should only be seen in theatres with an audience. Pacific Rim was greatly entertaining and I recommend it everyone.
After having watched Match Point on DVD and later in a second run theatre, I