

I’m an only child so maybe I just don’t get it, but weren’t Tom and Jerry always trying to electrocute and stab each other and shit?

Scariest drive I ever did was the Confederation Bridge during a gale. Drove a Jeep Cherokee (basically a sale) across a 2 lane bridge (with breakdown lane on either side) across a bridge going across an ocean lane. I was terrified. But I made it. Second most terrified drive was on Nova Scotia later that week, drove

And fuckingminivans. They’re the only drivers on the road, you know. 

If you dream your teeth are floating in your mouth, get up and pee!

I have to learn how to make most foods, onion allergy, to even minuscule bits of onion flavoring. Someone upthread said ‘Scallions, onion powder... ‘ and I almost lost it. I wouldn’t trust store-bought frozen ones, no idea what flavorings they put in it.

I do the same. 4-6 eggs at a time, works great. 

We’re building a house right now. Could you give an example of this miracle product? 

Any place that makes me register, and won’t let me without filling in a phone number, gets 202 456 1111, or 202 456 1212.

Schitt’s Creek was awful.

You don’t sound like a very exciting person to travel with.

Gene completely ad-libbed the lines. That’s why Cleavon lost it. 

Since we bought our Tesla 3, I RESENT putting gas in my car. My husband takes the Tesla to work, and I take the other car. I’m retiring soon, and don’t know when or if I’ll be able to replace this car, but I tell you, I will never buy another car that I have to pump gas into. I’d rather go without. 

I never even knew that car existed, and now I need it badly.

I always cut, marking with the scissors first at the crease in the sheet pan, or cookie sheet. And I reuse until the paper says ‘I’m done’. I also have a box of pre cut that work wonderfully when I use the correct size sheet pan and just want to get it over with fast. 

Weirdos will start calling it the Mark of the Beast, and saying the Gubmint will demand it be tattooed on our foreheads. AS long as I get to pick the design, I’m all for it.

Oh, we’ll watch old stupid movies, with really bad special effects, and we’ll MST3K THE HELL out of them! We’ll make popcorn, and have a blast. New movies, no talking! But old ones? Talk right through them, and laugh our asses off. 

Kind of like, but not really, I can’t watch Mythbusters anymore. Because Grant. Because he’s gone too soon. I can’t watch Anthony Bordain’s shows anymore, either. Gone too soon. My husband says, but you like old black and white movies! They’re all dead! I say back, but they’re supposed to be dead! If they weren’t,

Does she actually have children? Can we even believe that?