
The drawing style at the header looked like Samurai Jack, and I got all excited, and he’s not listed, and I has a sad.

I do want my sleek electric car, not a tubby looking Leaf. I want the Hyperloop up and running. I hate flying. I want no poverty. I want no oil spills. I want no war-lords killing 200 Christian kids in some school just because they’re Christian. I want solar on roofs as default. I want wind as default, meaning it’s

Rendezvous with Rama, eh?

It’s been 20 years since ID? We took the scout troop to DC for a trip, visited the Capitol building, Smithsonian, saw the Air and Space museum, Planet Hollywood. Washington Monument, Lincoln Monument. Made sure we got back home to take them all to see Independence Day. Good cap to the trip. 20 years. wow.

I need to come to your wedding. I've never been to a prom, and I had really big hair in the '80's. So there's that. And I killed our guinea pig by roasting it under our aluminum flyer sled when I was a kid. (It was an accident!), so I owe the guinea pig population. I'll bring a present for them. So I need an

Vacation? What does that word even mean?

I'm old, but still have an old Dad I need to be here for. I would love to pick up and leave, but don't have the skills to work anywhere else. No other country would want me for work. But, when I am old enough to retire, and Dad is gone, I plan on seriously looking into retiring elsewhere. The attitude you so well put

life on Enceladus: yes or no, dammit!

I was driving my (now ex) husband's old Caddy with him in the passenger seat. The brakes went. So I put on the emergency brake, they didn't work either. Coasting downhill out of the school parking lot towards Main Street, busy road, and gaining speed. What to do? Put it in Park. Only thing to do. Crunch. Stopped the

What is this thing, and the gray thing above?

What is this I am listening to? It is fantastic

Go with the masters.

Is he the skinny Mark Hamill or the fat Mark Hamill? Because I prefer the skinny one. (no fat shaming intended.)

A fuckton is 100 shitloads. It's a scientific measurement used in our lab all the time.

I'm pretty sure Clarkson will go down as the person who killed TG

I went from a 69 vw bug, to a ford fairmont, to a jeep cherokee. then to a 97 sw2 for 17 years. I now drive a fiat 500c. I prefer small.

My house cat loves broccoli, green beans, baked beans, melon. He is "different"

My house scat loves broccoli, green beans, baked beans, melon. He is "different"

This was the mid '60's, and I was a kid, maybe 8? 9? Sitting on the porch facing West, parents in the dining room behind us, playing cards with their friends. Large plate glass window looking out over us, and the yard, and the sky above. All of a sudden a huge meteor goes overhead, East to West, enormous. We jump up,

Good for you. It doesn't work for everyone, honey. Say, when the sperm donor is a major dickhole, and you want nothing to do with him, especially him hanging around a pregnant you. Or when your job depends on you being there every single day, or you would lose it. And a pregnant you is not feeling 100% every day.