
That’s what he was, yes.

I’m usually reflexively skeptical of over-the-top, virtue signaling, edge-lord political name calling, but in this case, Kissinger absolutely deserves to be called a war criminal.

The fuck is the point of a comment like this?

Most war criminals are never convicted: Hitler, Pol Pot, Reagan...

Many people joined the Khmer Rouge because the US bombed their towns and murdered their family and friends.

So, the US dropping more bombs on Camboidian civilians than we dropped in all of WWII had nothing to do with putting Pol Pot in power?

More than Pol Pot, certainly. Kissinger and his war crimes created Pol Pot.

In a century that has Mao, Stalin, and Hitler, the Top 3 is a crowded area. Honestly, even the Top 10 is pretty crowded. You really have to work your way through all the Soviet leaders before you can start including just about anyone else.

Bro, he’s dead. Sucking his dick now would literally be necrophilia 

because he was

Okay, fine. Let me rephrase: “if you already are paying for GamePass, then you will not have to spend any extra money to play Starfield”.

Because it’s a single player game and over time people become done with them and move onto other stuff? And it also didn’t review as well as their previous games and less people are into it.

Not everything is a live service, it’s ok to be done with a game.

I bought one from Playstation Direct and it arrived on release day. That said... I’m a bit whelmed. It looks and feels great, ports in the back are a bit odd but otherwise feels great to play on. WHEN IT FRICKIN WORKS. I have a gigabit setup, PS5 itself says it has 250 down, 25 up, which should be enough for it to

Even when looking for an indulgent purchase, I couldn’t get myself to pick one up (and they certainly were available on 11/15). Not sure what resellers were thinking, but it’d be nice if any industry (gaming, restaurants, music venues) gave a damn about the insane arbitrage that goes on these days.

I think this is going to be a crash an burn for most resellers. I def see a reason someone would want this but I cannot see a reason most couldn’t wait a bit for it to get restocked

cobbled together various devices to accomplish the task of remote play, or just buy a single device that works right out of the box

It’s so weird how “only 200 dollars” is something I keep seeing a lot.  200 dollars is still a heck of a lot of money for me.

I think that’s the major thing it’s missing. If it had PS+ support for streaming games from the cloud it would be a different story. For me the device has no appeal since I can’t think of a situation where I’d benefit from it. If I really needed to stream from my PS5 when I was away I’d just use my MacBook Pro and

There’s a lot of scenarios where this would be useful. For me and my wife we can watch tv but I can still play on my PS5 without taking it to another room and isolating myself from her (or she can even watch what she wants while I’m on the handheld but we can still spend time together). Sometimes even though I’m

Just get a cheap Google TV dongle on Black Friday, better than the PS5 for media anyway