So don’t make stupidly expensive AAA games, then. Stop facescanning Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba and contracting 13 different studios.
So don’t make stupidly expensive AAA games, then. Stop facescanning Keanu Reeves and Idris Elba and contracting 13 different studios.
I’ve got no problem paying more for games if the publishers would commit to that money going directly to higher wages for the developers.
Not that I disagree, but the main difference that this isn’t a new take on Peter Parker. This is changing him in the same universe. Personally, it was one my favourite non-comic versions of Spider-Man so to get that invested and have the main protagonist visably change is jarring.
I’m just imagining some poor animator, sitting at his monitor, surrounded by a bunch of lawyers glowering at him, beads of sweat on his forehead as he nervously taps his arrows keys to adjust a slider on screen labelled “HOLLANDISER”.
So you’d be fine with a remastered version of the Uncharted games with Drake looking like Tom Holland?
While yes having a face similar or close to your actor make things easier it is not at all a necessity to get good facial animation.
Like, theres no reason they couldn’t just do the improved tech with the old face
Would not have cared at all about choosing a new face if they didn’t make Peter look like he was still in High school coaching a younger Spiderman who looks older than him.
Telling people to get over it is probably the worst thing he could’ve said. its going to make it even worse.
His face popped up in Miles Morales and I physically cringed. It’s like a weird, plastic, dead doll’s face compared to the expressiveness of the original. Like they’re afraid he’s going to look ugly if they give him actual facial expressions.
Person who wants to keep getting paid defends people who pay him.
face still trash
Exactly. Beyond the out of nowhere face change, the reason provided for it is pure horseshit.
I don’t like the new face, looks too young but that is just my Opinion and this is not the problem i have with the face change.
The problem I have is they said that it would help facial animation and it was necessary. I’m a rigger in the video game industry and I call this statement bullshit. Especially with today’s…
its not really guaranteed since most games for the last 4 or 5 years dint even contain all the game data on the disk anyway. Most contain only a little of the data on it and most of it has to be downloaded
Really? That’s it? You’re just out and going to never buy another new game or console again? Okay then.
I feel like they know that the bigger issue isn’t “consumers don’t want discs”, it’s “(a lot of) consumers don’t want physical media”. Regardless if it’s SD cards or optical discs, you still have to take one game out, put it away, physically find the game you want, put it in, and put the case away. It’s not a huge…
The thing with preservation after the xb360 and ps3 is that most games are downloaded anyway. Once those authentication servers go down, most of the games aren’t on disc anyway; a lot of games cannot be played with the day one patch; etc. There are already existing issues for game preservation that aren’t being…