addendum: most all streaming services UX is abysmal (mostly because they think copying each other’s abysmal UX and use of shite sorting algorithms is a good idea).
addendum: most all streaming services UX is abysmal (mostly because they think copying each other’s abysmal UX and use of shite sorting algorithms is a good idea).
that and amazon prime’s entire UX is abysmal.
Just like ‘Truth Seekers’ on Amazon. There was zero publicity about it’s release outside of on Prime itself, and it was a fairly big deal getting Nick Frost and Simon Pegg back together again for a TV series I was actively looking forward to watching. There were a couple of behind the scenes interviews and a YouTube…
Yeah, they gotta advertise outside their own website if they want to push shows.
Same, I hadn’t heard of it until today.
yeah i was gonna say, ive never heard of this.
Netflix has a real problem when a lot of the time I learn that a show *exists* when I read the article about it being *cancelled*.
Damn, I just finished binge-watching this series a few days ago and I really liked it.
Gotham Knights owners frantically running to gamestop.
Good that he’s standing with the writers for a fairer deal. The heartbreaking thing is that Andor is so, so good, and that is clearly the result of great effort on his part and everyone else working on it. I think it’s a masterpiece, frankly. The idea that a strike could end up disrupting the quality of season 2 would…
It’s still not anymore of a desert planet than Earth is, which also contains deserts lol. They mention numerous times in the game how the planet is fantastic for all plant growth and wildlife BECAUSE of it’s varied ecosystem.
Maybe. But you’d be wrong. The game is excellent and lots of fun. I’m already on new game plus and looking forward to continuing that.
Koboh isn't a desert planet so your premise is false.
Yet somehow they recreated a worse version of it, which is impressive. The interface is absolute trash - they make the easiest things so difficult or unapparent that it is a joke. Want to exit a channel/close a PM? Just click the little X on the “pop up” in the sidebar. PSYCH IT DOESN’T EXIST!!! I spent a ridiculous…
I remember finally using it and discovering it’s just Slack. Or Slack is just Discord. Basically everything is the same as everything else and I can’t get it out my head that they’re basically just recreating AOL instant messenger and chat rooms.
Not only that, but it’s perhaps one of the worst, most convoluted, and most confusing user interfaces of all time. It’s also a medium you never need to use in your life, ever. You miss nothing by not using it.
Recently I finally broke down and jumped into Discord to see what all the fuss is about. I don’t get it. It’s basically just a chat room and one that’s kind hard to follow along with too. I guess I’ve just been on the internet long enough now that there’s nothing new under the HTML sun.
Discord blows for anything that isn’t sending memes or being a chat channel. I can barely find shit I referenced in personal DMs with friends, let alone attempt to navigate threads within channels within.
Like...just imagine moving the Steam forums to a Discord and just making threads/channels. Good luck…
Gaming subreddits are slowly going this way as well. There’s a particular minecraft mod where it seems like one user has taken it upon themselves to go into every thread and tell the people in there to go to the discord.
Company owned forums are always just toxicity, whining, and unanswered questions. Game subreddits are the only place I EVER find valuable discourse happening about a game anymore