
I would only ever buy transparent devices if they made transparent devices, and I’d buy more of them.

Right? You’d think they’d care more about that because every PS5 sitting in someone’s garage is hundreds of dollars of software not being sold.

I wonder how much more money Sony would have right now if they’d had more consoles available at launch.

That’s not a good analogy. Access to these games isn’t the only reason you would subscribe to NSO. NSO’s primary functionality is access to online gameplay features for other games, while it also offers cloud saves, a collection of classic games, and a few exclusive games like this.

This is the way to do it imo. Never have to pay new full price for anything.

Can confirm. Have wanted to play several Apple Arcade games. Have forgotten all of them immediately after finding out they were exclusive to Apple Arcade. Have not even thought to look up if any are no longer exclusive. Have played many other things that are probably just as good in that time.

I’d say Ant-Man won because he was able to steal the thing he needed without getting killed/captured/incapacitated by Sam.

Right? You can literally store any size or manner of living, breathing organism inside of a baseball that can contract to the size of a golf ball, and you can store hundreds of those in the cloud accessible anywhere in your country, but your camera can only take 70 photos.

My bad, I was imprecise. I meant that they own the full rights to this specific version of Spider-Man.

They can certainly take direct control over a character that they own the full video game rights to.

Tinfoil hat time: Sony is delaying the addition of Spider-Man to keep him from being associated with such a failure. They don’t want to damage their own successful video game franchise.

This photo actually explains a lot about Snyder’s catalogue. The physical film itself is dark and gritty.

This photo actually explains a lot about Snyder’s catalogue. The physical film itself is dark and gritty.

And no, asshole trolls, I’m not bringing you out of the greys.

Personally, when someone disrespects me in a way like this (I am not Jewish, but I am a minority), I don’t care to hear anything from them. For something like this to come out unprompted, I know that their hatred is rooted deeply in their perversely wired brain, that no amount of reciting canned apologies is going to

Let me put it in terms you might understand:

Meh, it’s free advertising for their already incredibly successful income stream.

Jeez if not being able to take a joke when someone is clearly joking, maybe you shouldn’t be opening yourself up to be to talked to on the internet.

God, remember when conservatives still pretended to give a shit about Christianity?

George Lucas cashed out nine years ago. Your money is going to Disney now.