Thank you for the gander at this fowl-spirited game!
Thank you for the gander at this fowl-spirited game!
I’m sold on the aesthetics alone. Beautiful and unnerving game. Sounds like a 4-dimensional game of chess...against yourself.
MSGV is fantastic (even with the gonzo story-line). I had it on the PS3, so can’t wait to try play it again on PS4.
I’d like NMS more if it’d tell me where that first antimatter is :P
I love the smell of caduceus in the morning. Smells like... victory.
And just when I didn’t think I could love Mei more than I already did <3 Brilliant short.
With no future patches in store, is the game even worth picking up at this point? Did they ever iron out all the bugs and glitches, even?
Showing my age here, but Hunt the Wumpus frequently scared the crap outta me. The ear-bleedingly sheer screech of the bats made me jump every damned time XD
Don’t ever change, Japan. Don’t ever change.
Gorgeous. Has a very strong “Monument Valley” vibe to it.
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor Ultimate Ability stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed payload...
And chances are all he’ll get are socks on Father’s Day...
Dollars to donuts, this will be picked up by ESPN by year’s end XD
I still fondly recall the numerous weekends my friends and I sat around the Intellivision, playing Sea Battle all night long. Thank you, Mr. Robinson!
Victoria Secret: The Overwatch Collection
I’ve been playing since Persona 3, and can definitely say this one isn’t as grindy as the previous versions. You level pretty quickly, can ‘see’ what will likely kick your butt (preventing a wipe), and find safe-rooms to save and evaluate if you want to push on. Also, the stealth-mechanic helps you avoid unnecessary…
I’m pretty sure his head would explode like a meat piñata if he saw the Persona games.
Total lock-out!
Heh heh, this map reminds me of the days I’d sit around designing dungeons on my lunch break... One of my players leaned over and asked, “What’s that?” And I answered, “It’s like Tomb of Horrors... only harder.”
I like the look of her, as well as the abilities (adds some interesting team-play potential). But, as formidable as she appears, I can see any flanker (like Tracer) ripping her apart. She’s a huge target and poor shield placement will leave her very vulnerable (even more so than Reinhardt).