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    It’s a pretty decent mixture of old-school FPS and Rogue elements. If you’re nostalgic for the original DOOM and the like, I’d suggest it. If not, it’s probably not your cup of napalm. Although, either way, give it a quick look - you’ll be able to decide pretty fast.

    Maybe their time would have been better spent fixing the bugged missions, such as Fire Support?

    In my very first game of Overwatch, I got ‘hooked’ through a wall. So, I’m all for this XD

    If your life comes to a screeching halt because the ~fictional~ character you’re pining over is gay... you seriously need to reevaluate your romantic priorities.

    I think one of the difficulties we have in discussing Anime Fan service is that in many ways, it wasn’t created for Westernized viewers. That cultural divide clouds the issue somewhat, altering how the ‘moral compass’ is perceived - not to mention missing the context of certain elements.