
Ahhh! I had a Scooter too, and he was seriously the best friend I ever had. Dude would ride in the car with me, on my lap! Oh lord, now I'm gonna cry, I miss him sooo much ;_; I still have his sister Peanut Butter, though, and she is seriously as sweet as he was, only calico instead of orange tabby.

Knock it off with the common sense. You are ruining the comments section.

A User's guide to Understanding a Magestorm Wow/Gw2 Comparison Post.

The thing about "old women" is that you will be one. It's a fate avoidable only through death. And all the shitty stuff you've said or will say about middle-aged women will then be applicable to you—especially to you because you will have spent your youth convincing yourself that middle aged is "old." It will be a

not to start a flame, but this sounds pretty complex compared to a non Apple laptop these days. I remember when you had to take any laptop completely apart to swap the RAM or HDD. These days they have panels on the bottom to simply unscrew with a phillips head and it takes less than 5 minutes to swap these out, plus a