
I look forward to Sunday mornings more, now that I can look forward to this strip on the AV Club. Seriously.

They've kind of made their loathing of the movie a running joke, haven't they?

It's weird when "record returns on one of the biggest movies of the year" is considered a "debacle" in Hollywood terms.

That's pretty funny! See, here's the thing. If someone wants to offer their opinion: great! That's what an opinion area is for. But when they're (a) being a douche, (b) ignorant, (c) an asshole about things they don't understand, and (d) insist on being so, then they need to find somewhere else to read comics. I'm not

If you're asking why anthropomorphic animals are wearing clothes, then no, you're clueless. Hilariously so.
And no, sorry, your opinion is super shitty. Poorly thought out, uninformed, ignorant, and extremely stupid. But thank you anyway! Your awful opinion has been logged by the committee and considered carefully.

I… don't think you understand the concept of "anthropomorphic." It means "with human characteristics". Just like, say, Zootopia: animals wearing clothes, using cellphones, etc. It's a way of getting away from human stereotypes and using animals to add character. If you don't dig it, that's ok!

Furries = anthropomorphism. Furries are just people who enjoy anthropomorphic animals in stuff. Some of them wear funny costumes or draw art. Furries accomplish a whole lot of creative work.

Shrek = DreamWorks. Didn't mention it at all but hey! Fun!

Anthropomorphizing characters lets us get away from human stereotypes. Different animals can be used to signify personality types, personal style, or symbolize the way people act. Same reason talking animals have been used for generations instead of people in stories.

Awww, aren't you cute.

I'm reading the same comic strip you are, and I'm not seeing any animal fucking. Are you? You're certainly imagining it, even though it's not there, which kinda makes you the freak here. Congratulations!

Troll on, troll.


I love seeing these on AV Club. Thank you for posting them — I hope they keep coming. His art style is wonderful and I enjoy his slice-of-life snippets.

Good lord, this article should have been titled I HATE IT BECAUSE IT'S HYPED: A HIPSTER MANIFESTO. I mean, seriously, The Lion King? Who goes out of their way to explain their loathing (not just "meh, it's fine", but hatred) of The Lion King?

It's "Luxurious - For that dressy but boring party". Thank god! When I'm at dressy, boring parties, a gold dildo is exactly what I've been needing to spice things up.

Oh, AV Club. You can make anything snarky and awful, even an extremely popular movie.

Hey, GLAAD, the director already said he was including gay characters in Ep. VIII. So, um, maybe calm your tits?

Metallica is the client of a company (Audiam) that pays people when their music is played on YouTube. Their manager would know that, I think.

My money's on Obi-Wan.