I think that William Barr got fully read in to the Mueller & SDNY probes and said, “ah hell no, I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole, you’re stuck with this.”
I think that William Barr got fully read in to the Mueller & SDNY probes and said, “ah hell no, I’m not touching that with a ten foot pole, you’re stuck with this.”
Has there ever been an extremely long term, very rich contract that has actually worked for the team? It seems like they overburden the team and cause them to linger in mediocrity. Pujols, Fielder, Grienke, Scherzer, Ranger Rodriguez, Yankee Rodriguez, Kershaw, and David Price have a combined total of 2 World Series…
If you turn his picture upside down, it’s every dude ever doing a keg stand.
the greatest baseball player any of us will ever see
With that kind of money, Trout could adopt a lot of sad puppies.
They better not screw this up.
The best all-around player I’ve ever seen is Ken Griffey Jr. Without roids, no one would put Bonds ahead of him.
The Angels are in heaven - if 3rd place in the AL West is heaven.
Leave it to the Angels to keep a guy in purgatory.
So sad to see the greatest player in baseball waste his career on a consistently mediocre team. I understand that the money is astronomical but after already getting a 144 million dollar contract you’d think he would want to go to an actual contender. Its not like some team wouldn’t have thrown that money at him or…
In the interest of fairness, Barry Bonds was the greatest baseball player I’d ever seen live until I saw Trout live last year. Like that guy was really, really, really good.
Can’t wait for it to be an inscrutable mess that only Google employees end up using and that gets shuttered in a couple of years. Let me guess—all that functionality is only going to work if you use Google Chrome and YouTube and a Gmail account.
Five years to shutdown. Two years until active development ends.
So are we betting one year or two years before Google gets bored and just shuts the whole thing down?
I kinda hate VW too, but that doesn’t stop you from being boring...because Toyotas...(unless it’s a Supra or vintage Celica or RWD Starlet or FJ Cruiser or GT-86...OKAY OKAY! Not all Toyotas are boring. But most are.
I hate VW. There I said it. Because they somehow get away with being brand that comes off as being fancy-dancy, the brand that cool young mid to late 30-somethings to early 40-somethings who can’t imagine themselves in a boring Camry buy. The kinds of people who shop at whole foods, wear expensive man purses or have…
Alternate title: Apples to Assholes.
Cards Really Really Really Against Humanity
These fucktwats should just stick to fight club and kick the piss out of each other.