otm shank

Storm of the Century was the first thing I took note of him in, so it's neat to hear him call it a game changer for his career. It wasn't a great movie, but he was certainly great in it. I can still remember his repeated line, "Give me what I want, and I'll go away."

My dude, they told me I wouldn’t get polio or the measles and I didn’t. Where’s the lie?

I feel like I’m one of the few who didn’t like Aaron Rodgers.  Seemed like a genuinely nice guy but for some reason his voice and delivery made me want to doze off.  And yeah, I’m at the point in my life where I can doze off at 7pm watching Jeopardy.

I’m not a complete cynical killjoy, and I’ve come to enjoy The Force Awakens and really like The Last Jedi, which is why Rise of Skywalker’s absolute failure hurts even more. It’s a wretched film on its own, but within the larger context, it’s somehow even worse.

Not only is Rise of Skywalker worse than the prequels, but Rogue One is also worse than the prequels.

Say what you want about the sequels, but I remember walking out of the The Last Jedi and hearing some 30ish guy behind me whine, “Whatever, the prequels were much better.”

I know that’s your opinion, but your opinion is just wrong. The prequels are not better than anything. I literally cannot sit through “Revenge of

It is an honour and privilege to be the 200th person to star you.

Totally. I lived there 2000-2004 and the natives were awesome and not at all stereotypically rude.

I give you a star and my best reaction GIF

Hey! Have some respect! Ted Nugent was the biggest act in rock ‘n’ roll for about an hour in 1977!

I think this is Amanda Gorman’s secret Kinja account!

It’s rare that the first comment is clearly going to be the best one an article gets, but here we are.

I just asked all of my friends to come here and bathe you in stars.

I adore Bones so, so much. Especially the first 3-4 seasons; I maintain that the final three episodes of Season 3 (her dad’s trial, the gym coach/wannabe singer, and the last Gormogon episode) are three genuine stand-out episodes of television.

I don’t know what that means.

who you might recognize from Spider-Man: Far From Home and Miley Cyrus’ Black Mirror episode

even READING this line makes me tear up.

Fantastic stuff! I’ve been introducing my family to the joys of the Tropperverse during lockdown, so I’m delighted there’s going to be more of it.

For me it's the scene with Ma Lovell. "If they made a washing machine fly,  my Jimmy could land it"

At the end when Lovell says, “Hello Houston, this is Odyssey. It’s good to see you again” and everyone cheers still gets to me