otm shank

I lost it laughing when he was told to sit. 

Him being a complete and utter putz is one of my favorite sub-storylines from the whole saga. Arya should’ve challenged him to an archery contest for the throne on the spot.

And with that, GOT comes to an end.

my parents had this movie on bootleg vhs when i was a kid and it was so formative for me in developing ideas of what human beauty looks like 

The show is a real lesson in the danger of over saturation.

The original Twilight Zone wasn’t as big on social commentary as people tend to remember. Sure, when it DID have a social or political point to make, it was very clear about spelling out exactly what it was, but that only applies to a handful of episodes.

Seems kinda strange that AVC mentions Superstore fairly often, but never actually does recaps for it.

Cersei Lannister, First of Her Name, Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, Protector of the Realm, Wanter of the Elephants.

Fuck yeah The Long Riders, great movie. I’ll have to look for her on a rewatch, she must be in the scene that builds to that incredible knife fight.

LOL people even called him out in that post for previous comments he had made, including one on Saturday saying he hadn’t seen it yet and was trying to avoid spoilers (so at least two days AFTER opening night), and then after he DID see it, other posts where, as another user summed it up:

What’s hilarious is that this is on Newswire for some reason. Extra! Extra! Read All About It! Pathetic Loser Has Sad Revenge Fantasy!

The Night King shows up and is all like:

Scmhitt’s Gay is the funniest thing SNL has ever done.

My favorite movie. I always watch it at least one time per year.

No matter how great it may turn out, it’ll never match the original without Hater of the Year 26x901, Burglekutt. RIP Mark Northover.

Yeah but Disney doesn't have LOTR so Willow is as close as Disney can get. Still, even LOTR doesn't have Madmardigan & Sorsha. -sigh-

I have friends who were 10 or so when this was released, and it’s pretty much Star Wars for them. Also, Whalley jump-started puberty for most of them.

At least they are calling him Dr. Robotnik instead of “Eggman”

I think they almost had to kill her off because she was so taking her own advice. If you go down, you go down stabbing a giant in the eye.

They should just feed Glover to Ghost. He’s been a good boy, he deserves a nice snack.