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I’ve bought several sets of Continental Tires as a direct result of their involvement in IMSA and the Dinner with Racers podcast.
There is no “conversation”. At this point it feels like a witch hunt.
I really want someone to explain to my why a police vehicle should be held responsible for running over someone. They’re not even autonomous.
Fixing the small truck rules under CAFE to match reality would be a good step towards encouraging smaller cars.
Nope! And I say that as someone who has owned multiple pickups for the past 30 years. A pickup is for hauling things, and a 2-door like this sucks in that mission, because virtually everything ends up in the truck bed, exposed to weather and theft.
Oh no! I'm running an egr delete on my mustang! Should I have to pay a hefty fine because some people are worried about emissions!? Fuck outta here with this bullshit. If people want to modify their vehicles then let them modify them. I get it everyone has an opinion but for fucks sake take yours and shove it up your…
Regardless if whether any of us agree or disagree with his opinion, Bubba is correct that this is a very poorly (non-existently) cited article. It reads as more of a rant or opinion piece. And throwing ad hominem insults about him (Bubba) and his choice of cars is lazy and a poor excuse for debate.
I read it perfectly fine. The only paragraph in which you provide anything resembling numbers gets caught, as I said, in the “correlation does not equal causation” trap.
“For one, they’re aerodynamically inefficient. If you opt for the largest wheel on a Tesla Model X, your range is reduced by about 10%. This is true…
“Production cars often imitate design elements of race cars to make them look sportier, but fat sidewalls have ruled in the top levels of stock car and open-wheel racing for decades.“
Yes, because the rules limited those particular classes to a small diameter wheel. Large diameter wheels have been used in every other…
*not yet
CP just for putting this at the end of the ad:
I understand the gravity behind the situation, I think. But isn’t fielding an exclusively female team the definition of a gimmick?
The Ford Flex gets way too much love on this site. It looks like shit, and it’s not a good car by any metric. Its only redeeming quality is being a ‘wagon’ in a market undersaturated with wagons, but nobody’s going to pay $13k for this example of the species.
Bring-A-Trailer is a wonderful place to see all sorts of exotic, unusual, rare, offbeat, bizarre, impossible to find, and otherwise drool-worthy machines. I’m on the site far too many times every day for sound mental health. It’s fantastic entertainment, like watching the Barrett-Jackson auctions.
1st gear, all right: