
Reading any Twitter feed with “FOP” in the name is really hilarious until you remember that these people are charged with enforcing the law.

What can you say to this? How can anyone tolerate this kind of behavior from officers of the law?

I’ve never commented on Kinja nor have i felt compelled to. But I can’t help myself; the current state of America is completely fucked. Period. And no one is listening.

Comply or suffer.

Considering the cops arrested Kevin Moore, who filmed the Freddie Gray arrest yesterday, it seems clear they want to make sure there are no witnesses to any of their actions. Their arrest of Kevin Moore was pure intimidation, plain and simple. Cops are pissed right now that 6 of their own are being charged.

Oh! This isn’t like a break up story but I stopped hanging out with my bff because he was into me like that and became pretty possessive.

Tracked down his wife and told her everything.

Now playing

I was kind of seeing this guy for a while. I liked him a lot. We were in our twenties. He was an artsy weirdo musican type, and had been living with an older hippie chick who had two kids. They had recently broken up, and he didn’t have a specific place to live. He was moving out of their place but didn’t know where.

Morrissey, 2007, in an unnamed city in the South.

I think you should blur the phone number ASAP. This child does not need strangers from the internet calling her.

It was asinine & caused nothing but pain & fear in their own neighborhoods.

You should reconsider that second point.

Hey look kids: it’s an asshole!

So I am really loving how the activists/protestors have really adapted since Ferguson and found a way to use the sensationalism of the media against the media. I know there are a lot of ignorant people who still don’t get what Ferguson, NY and Baltimore are about right now (and maybe some never will) but I think the

How does some cops kidnapping (because the arrest was illegal) and murdering a man have anything to do with “problems in the black community?” How about you stop defending the actions of our white supremacist society and shut up and learn something?

This is why you should never, ever square with potential employers about mental health/seizure issues. There’s an even worse stigma attached than with sporadic employment history.

So the rapist went #1 but no one will touch this guy with a ten foot pole because he gets sad and/or anxious sometimes?

I think the next paragraph is even better...