
Look, first of all a person can admire who they want for whatever reason they want. Telling someone what they should or shouldn’t believe in & who they should & shouldn’t support is very FoxNews & has no place here. Second, I grew up around stick in the mud, bug up the ass Catholics my WHOLE life. I went to catholic

He’s coming to philly in September which is very close to me. I’m seriously considering going. I can't help it. He's just pretty damn cool sometimes. Not ALL the time but some & that's a step in the right direction as far as I'm concerned. I saw Benedict in person when I was 17 & he just didn't have half the charisma

Hawk Harrelson apparently believes all of Baltimore is gone. He apparently watched Sum of All Fears last night.

“Just call him a distraction then, call him a distraction!”

Thank God, I thought you were going to say he was gay or something.

Also, just WTF with this statement.She is actually saying that women should just work harder than men to be treated equally. DO MORE WORK TO BE TREATED THE SAME. I just. I just can’t.

Being slightly above average is just going to make everyone else resent you for maybe pushing the bar slightly higher.

If Fox News did a segment on the “myth” of wage inequality where all of the anchors got together and had to lay their paychecks side by side to openly see who makes what, and then watch the ones who make more try to justify their higher wage to the lower paid anchors, I would watch the shit outta that train wreck.

“If you have to be extraordinary, be extraordinary.”

Stacey Dash should know that life is unfair. Instead of becoming a notable, respectable actress, she became a Fox News contributer who most likely doesn’t make as much money as their male contributers OR their white female contributers (because we know when it comes to the wage gap, white women on average make more

I blame the department and let me tell you why. They praise rookie officers. They’ll go around making a 100 arrests a month, and they’ll praise them. These rookie officers will do anything to get an arrest because they want more praise, you know what I’m saying? This is the result of it. They arrested Gray for some

Bollocks, I’ll fuck Rupert Murdoch if I want to.

"Unfortunately, wearing one immediately places you on the Do Not Fuck list. "

The (now-deleted) pre-block tweet in question:

Neighborhood Facebook groups are no joke

I’d be more sympathetic to her if she didn’t work with kids. They deserve better, and the daycare was right to fire her.

I’m sort of torn here. A part of me is like, chill out ladies, it was just a stupid Facebook post. And another part of me thinks that if my niece’s or nephew’s caregiver went on Facebook talking about how they don’t like kids and/or dealing with a lot of kids, I might suggest that my brothers find a new place to take

Ehhhhh, I want to give the benefit of the doubt here, truly. When it comes down to it, I know I wouldn’t be comfortable knowing that one of my daughter’s day care workers hates being there. I’m not asking for it to be their pride and joy or life mission, but as a parent, it would concern me. Especially given how much

mostly other women calling her a “dumb bitch” or accusing her of having “bubonic plague,” for some reason

*fidgets uncomfortably, wonders how long I should wait to bust out the Truly Horrifying Restaurant Stories entry (which amazingly is different from the Stories of Restaurant Employees Losing Fingers entry which I somehow also have enough submissions for)*