
One hopes!

I had a situation in a class a couple of years ago (Uni level; 2nd year) where a girl who wore a hijab asked to change between two of my units - the one she was doing was basic feminist identity politics and she wanted to move into a sexual representations one - because she felt the class she was in was really hostile

The first time I saw Fox News in the late 90s after having lived in Germany for 10+ years, I was completely shocked. The kind of fair, level-headed journalism that’s still prevalent on German TV was the kind of journalism I grew up with in the US. It’s so sad how it’s developed.

Cuz old people love that shit...My grandfather used to watch it constantly and would start talking about it when I went into the room, and wouldn’t shut up about the Muslim’s this, the Iraqis that...I was so happy when we got rid of cable so that channel was gone..

Doesn’t surprise me at all as a muslim woman. I don’t currently wear hijab but a lot of my friends do and I do wear it out to the masjid or wherever. The amount of abuse we get is shocking, most sisters have just gotten used to it, but it used to really upset me. People are becoming more blatant in expressing their,

But everyone knows Kurt actually wrote Courtney’s songs, herp derp...

Exactly. As a foreigner (Germany) i watch the US and it’s problems from afar and Fox News is one of these “guilty pleasures i don’t know if i should take serious or not” as i’d call it. When i first got my digital television pack from a new provider with over 400 channels i don’t need, i checked Fox News the very

I really don’t understand why there is such stigma surrounding hijabs. Historically, upper class Christian women purposefully veiled themselves to disassociate from lower class women. It was a sign of social standing. Plus even the Virgin Mary and nuns veiled themselves. Although veiling is slightly different than

Frances Bean is such an improvement on Courtney that it’s hard to imagine they’re even related.


Because I’m a fucking idiot.

On the Nightly Show the other day one of the panelists (Chrissy Teigen, I think? Not sure why we’re going to her for Britt McHenry hot takes but there you have it.) was going to bat for McHenry, which I think is the first time I’ve heard ANYONE do it.

Bobby, you could do a whole regular series of Wrong Answers. Like, ten at a time. Fucking killing me, man.

Perfect villain? Possibly.

Kim’s demons will see her off the show, just as they saw her on.

In brief? Fell of the wagon, denied it, spewed hateful bile at everyone who showed concern, and failed to take responsibility for anything.

The thing about Kim is that I was always under the impression that beneath the substances there was a genuinely sweet, but woefully fragile person. Over the course of this season I’ve observed her show that she is awful to the bone, both drunk and sober. Her behavior was so inexcusable, her tactics so dirty, her

id say this is more of the prosecutor’s issue and not the judge’s issue

Open day care type places are great but it’s relatively expensive. This place (Go Dog LA) is one of the more reasonable - full days are $33, half days (5 hours or less) are $25. If you buy a 20 pack in advance it’s down to $25/full day, but we haven’t done that yet because we can’t really afford $500 up front! In

THIS IS ALSO WHERE I TAKE MY DOG TO DOGGIE DAYCARE. Sorry, I may have been overly enthusiastic about that. But yes, I’ve been hoping someone will adopt Ari forever! Thanks for sharing her adorable face. Wish I could take her myself, but I live in an apartment and 3 animals is already pushing it. :/ Best of luck, Ari!