
I love that article. It's mind-blowing. What an artificial industry.

I'm sort of on the fence with weddings. If my family all lived close by, I would definitely be fully against. But weddings are where we meet up. This summer almost the entire extended family is descending on Winnipeg. Last year it was Victoria. Next year it will be Winnipeg again. We all seem to be able to work it out

Dude he's adorable now.

You know, I had no idea I had a crush on T-Pain until just now.

Or if you're gonna blow all that money, spend it on your honeymoon & go on a baller ass trip!

T-pain I'm really into your new direction, keep going buddy

I.... agree with T-Pain. Huh. I never understood that about weddings. Like lets put a down payment on a house, not host a expensive-ass dinner for all our friends.

He's not wrong!

Is it bad that I totally cheered the TV when he threw "orange man" out the window?

Maybe it was because I was in college when the whole will ferrell, tina fey, chris parnell, tracy morgan, cheri oteri crew was around, but I felt like they couldn't miss. And show me damn near anything that Phil Hartman was ever in and I will piss myself laughing. Love and miss that gorgeous man.

I heart The Rock Obama.

Warms my heart to see so many jez readers support eugenics. It's almost as if (white) feminists have a long history of supporting such policies.

Seems like coersion (sp?). Which would make a normal contract void, would a plea deal not fall under contract law?

That's like saying it's okay for a prosecutor to go to someone accused of theft and offer them a plea bargain with no jail time as long as they agreed to have their hands cut off as punishment.

No. No it is not.

I have no doubt there are people who should not be having any(more) children, but I'd love to see the stats on how often this option is offered to men. Prolly never?

It says that she was charged with neglect after the baby died mysteriously. I think if she murdered the baby out right they would say exactly what she did.

So you're cool with the government surgically altering people's bodies without their consent?