
I'm just going to guess that NASCAR has no semblance of a domestic violence policy.

Other quotes from this gold mine of an interview from Amber, who shares her thoughts on the Kardashian Klan in general:

Maybe I'm just an Amber Rose stan (confirmed), but I thought she was pretty damn diplomatic in that interview. And I love that she's a girl's girl and stands up for her friends when their husbands run off to fuck teenagers, yet still manages not to say anything about the teenager in question worse than "she is a

"Before, when I drove down the street I would see these brands"

But can we admit that most people just went to the theatre drunk and laughed at it?

And just so everyone can see how not kidding she was about the 50 Shades weekend box office.

No, Kanye, I will not have you. Not after seeing the "clothes" and "footwear" you "designed". That is some fugly shit, right there. Oh, and that aside, you're a tremendously narcissistic douchebag, and I don't want your douche-cooties anywhere near me.

Also, little Nori being dragged along to fashion shows that she

yep. Am not taking fashion advice from the person responsible for that outfit.

God, North, act your age!

I appreciate Kanye's concern but I'm not sure brown tights and cut-off sweatshirts are the best fix. I guess we'll see how it goes!

Yeah, I'm not really impressed with that, either. It's one thing for women to be annoyed at the manicam, something their male costars don't have to deal with, but being gracious at a movie premiere is kind of par for the course with promotional work. Guys who don't do that also get labeled as being assholes.

Yeah I think it's pretty shitty to flip off your own fans.

Oh no, she doesn't want to do something that's part of her job description. She doesn't have to be sunshine and rainbows 24.7, but a film premiere is a pretty standard place to act like sunshine and rainbows when part of the job is promoting a movie and interacting with fans.

Privileged grown ass adults giving the middle finger in pictures look so fucking ridiculous. Oh, yeah, you're such a hard ass at your red carpet premiere. You're so badass with your margaritas at Chili's flipping the camera off. You're such a rebel at your friend's bachelor party, cigar in mouth, flipping everyone off

Totally. I would absolutely NOT be comfortable with this guy knowing where my dad lives. Why can't it be mailed from a lawyer's office or something? Hopefully dad moves after he's released. I sure as hell would. Not that it's fair. But I would.

He probably will get some type of visitation rights. One of the major reasons I didn't get an order of protection during my divorce is that my ex still gets a right to be a dad. All I could see happen from OFP would be pissing him off to the point of no return and because of our kiddo - he would still have a right to

This dude only got 9 years as punishment for trying to kill someone and he gets pics of her children? Oh hell no. Hell. No. This is terrifying. Is he going to get visitation after his release too? I think your parental rights kind of end at throat slitting.

She is! And it's refreshing to see a belly that has stretch marks.


Yup, that's what bodies do after you've had two babies and lived for 40+ years. The fucked-up part is that airbrushing is so routine that we don' t know what mature women are supposed to look like.