
Do they, though? Serious question. My understanding has always been, in the case of weed, that federal law is actually supreme and overrides the state laws, but the cases aren't really being prosecuted. So, for example, someone running a weed dispensary in California could, in theory, be prosecuted federally, but the

texted his union representative while his victim bled out

He's not white. It's an easy case.

Check out today's Diane Rehm. The subject was jail and its financial incentives.

Since when is jitters a legit excuse for anything? I'm going to rob a store because having no money is giving me jitters.

no aid rendered in michael browns shooting, none rendered in the shooting of the twelve year old boy in cleveland, none to eric gardner, none to gurley. Pethaps the cops wanted them to die?

There should be regular prosecutions of officers who don't render proper aidafter shootings.

the cynic in me says the only reason this cop is having to deal with his actions is because he's asian. thin blue line, very thick white one.

I disagree. I think Liang is going to be found guilty on at least one of the charges. He's a rookie minority officer lacking any institutional ties. The NYPD is going to give the D.A. this one. The department has done little to back him and even the PBA's response has been tepid.

Even if he shot and killed Gurley in a completely and irrefutably justified manner, and let me make it clear the available evidence makes that highly unlikely, he should go to jail for a decade for letting Gurley bleed out for six minutes and die. As a cop part a your job is to attempt to save the lives of even the

If you think for one solid minute that "justice" is about anything other than revenue collection in this country then you're fucking nuts. Incarceration is tax revenue collection. Statutory "law" is this country's way of making poor people poorer, or turning them into revenue generation by locking them up. Cops are

... by using his service weapon to open a door in the stairwell.

... texted his union representative while his victim bled out...

A) Terrified that I'm relieved that this officer was indicted. Seems like this should be pretty automatic.
B) How shitty is police training that you can be jittered into killing someone. Fucking ridiculous.

Jezebel has tentatively ended our relationship with Us Weekly, because they have been giving us A WHOLE LOTTA NOTHING in the slander department.

It's not actually clear that he was cat calling her, the real story is unknown. Carolyn Bryant said at trial that he asked her for a date but I think we can all agree that her report is suspect. Some said that he wolf whistled at her, another lynchable crime in the 1950s (1800s, 1910s, 1920s,1930s,1940s,1960s)

This is just what the racists used to emphasize to bolster the credibility of his murderers?

Lynching a 14 year old boy for catcalling isn't a bit extreme. It is a monstrosity. No matter who his parents were.

Yea, but think about it like Obama's "Crusades" comment. Yes, we all know it was perpetrated by Christians, but talking about these Christians directly rather than just saying "Muslims have been persecuted before" completely changes the tone of the conversation.

Following up on some replies to other comments, I can't tell you how much it infuriates me that when a white dude murders, he's "clearly insane" or "mentally damaged." When a Muslim murders, it's clearly their hateful religion.