
What about sneakers? Sneakers allow criminals to flee faster, ergo, we should only be allowed to wear flip-flops.

dat logic tho

i like that this went from "don't be racist" to being enforced for (possibly? probably) racist reasons.


I saw that! There were a bunch of places (Guardian, Yahoo, Indpendent) that picked up my rant, lol. I posted some links on my FB page. A lot of the foreign press had it, too! That is wild!

Rebecca, you were quoted in the Metro this morning in an article about Russell Crowe! I got really excited, and then realised I don't *actually* know you...

Are you seriously the Cat Stealing Dog Bed Truther right now? Were all the conspiracy theories about chemtrails and the Lizard People taken up before you got here?

Love that cat's attitude. He is all like "Why is this dog peasant bothering?? You! Ape intendant! drop that camera and shoo it away!!"

Haha. I love the cut to the cat lying down curled up. That cat is like "Yeah I'm just gonna nap now, LMK when you're done with this futile enterprise."

I know when my husband comes home after his whirlwind business trips in foreign countries, the first thing he does is open up the Facebook and comment about the attractiveness of potential rape victims. All the time. It's just what you do in that situation.

Two people? How about "so many people everyone lost count"?

my friend was one of the people responsible for the flying penises and i will never stop bragging about that.

Good morning and my apologies. I've since adopted another rescue dog and that's helped to fill the void in my heart. A lot of dogs and cats are in shelters right now needing a forever home. Pray you have a blessed and safe day :-)

Awww. Sigh. I can just see them playing together. No one is sick, everyone is happy. Darn it, you made me cry!

Ok you guys.... My puppy wants to be friends with my barn cat SOOOOO bad but he's just gets SOOOOO excited he can't contain himself and barn kitteh says "no way brah" and phwaps him in the face with his paws. But then.... This happened the other day!!! SO CUTE!

Obviously the real unspoken problem here is the dearth of cat-specific bedding forcing these poor bedless feline to seek shelter in the wide, smelly swathes of dogbeds.

I swear, this is so true. Our kitty used to sit in the middle of our Border Collie's bed and you could totally understand their conversation about it. He was 15 years old and really needed his cushy bed under those old bones; he'd look at her, pleading with his big brown eyes, put one paw on the edge of the bed very

Oh my god, that was the greatest thing I've ever seen. That pug... just... wow.

My head just exploded from cuteness. The one that made me crack up hard was the great danes. They just looked so defeated and bummed out and resigned to their big ol fate of no bed.