
He just pleaded guilty?

Sally Yates testimony was LAST WEEK! I swear, Trump regime has broken tbe space time continuum.

I actually forgot about Devin Nunes and it was only a month ago. This administration is exhausting.

Oh, I’m sure he’s a frequent partaker of Trumps’ 60-inch TV.

Jesus. You know what else has “beautiful curves” to contrast with the “straight lines of the product?”

Yeah, pretty much. the photo here is not very flattering. I just did a google image search, and he has better photos. Although he does kind of strike me as Joseph Gordon Levitt starring in a James Spader biopic.

Paul Ryan did last year.

If I saw that goddamned bear looking through my door I’d be making brownies too.

Perhaps the Jezebel staff should also be apprised of that which the Roma continually face in terms of discrimination, total disenfranchisement, and outright abuse. Because if a miniseries were titled any other number of slurs, I highly doubt that it would pass by unremarked upon.

More like Petty LuPone, amiright?

I just want you filthy people to wash your legs. We’ll worry about scents at a later date.

That first poppy appliqué number is wildly unflattering. The proportions make Ms. Wintour look like her arms are longer than her legs.

The fact that he’s so against exercise might be the motivation for me to start.

hasn’t Anna worn a version of this a million times already? same w/her daughter...trains seem to be her thing

I thought the same — the song and the company aren’t really on message for Chance. And his lyrics were weak.

My heart bleeds seeing Chance the Rapper in the company of Lil Wayne and Justin Beiber. You’re better than this, Chance.

And she will pay...right there...in sweat!