Other Scott

We are seeing exactly the right amount of Abi.

Or do what he did this season, and be so dominant in team challenges that he couldn't be voted out pre-merge.

The GR is undoubtedly a horrible organization. There's a level of pure, unadulterated selfishness to project the fact that you can't move on with what happened and force everyone else to have to wallow in it as well. And further, there's a sense of smugness they go about it with, like they're inability to move on is a

Very fair

Question for everyone: What does everyone dislike so much about the Guilty Remnant? Why is that the reason a lot of people are pointing to why Season 1 failed for them and why for a lot of people they did not like this episode?

More and more this season is seeming like it's Stephen's story. Not necessarily his winning story at all, but there's been a heavy Stephen focus since the very first episode and unlike people like Spencer, who's visibility has decreased, and Jeremy, who's had visibility and a winner's edit but not really a story to

And John Rocker!

I've never heard the SJDS nay-sayers give a particularly good reason why they dislike the season so much. The main one I hear is they cast too many non-players, but watching the complexity of the post-merge that just doesn't hold water for me.

I know how it's supposed to be pronounced, I still can't help but pronounce it like Kimmi did.

Maybe there was a camera guy waiting for him when he got out of view of camp? Like they knew what he was actually doing.

That's kind of my point though. You start targeting someone in your alliance that early and needing to get that many people on board, it's too likely that the wrong person is going to catch wind of it.

I know you're riding the Spencer as winner train. I'm starting to see it now, mostly because I can't see anyone other than Spencer or Jeremy winning with the current edit.

I would probably vote for Keith or Wiglesworth over Ciera or Abi at this point. Berating other players for not playing the game is the worst.

I gotta admit, I really don't like Ciera this season. Her "Play the game already, sheeple!" is grating on me.

I knew as soon as Kelley was like "It's me, right?" someone was getting burned. I just didn't know who. I thought it was probably Savage, but part of me was hoping for Jeremy in another one of the greatest viewer blindsides ever.

Amazon wins for bizarre winner's edits.

I still don't think Pearl Islands was supposed to be an arrogant failed leader edit, but I'd say this one definitely was.

All 2 of them so far! (Unless you are referring to Cagayan, where he did very well as well.)

Like Keith, I also thought it was a rickshaw. But I guess those are slightly different.

I think Kass is exactly the bitter type. She just hides it well.