Other Scott

Gross food eating.

When the challenge came up, I was like, "ugh, I hate these balancing ball challenges." But yeah, it was great all around.

But he did get targeted, and he put that on himself. He just had one very powerful friend.

Can we talk about how bad it was on Stephen to try and gather together a group against Joe before he had even lost immunity? Why are you making yourself his enemy like that?

Stacy Kimball and Dan Foley went home with two votes, not sure I can remember a time where there was just the one.

I could imagine how they would have a hard time splitting an 11-1 vote.

Flippers. Never. Win.

Easily my favourite Keith scene ever. I felt like in SJDS they were more laughing at how dumb he was. This time most of the laughter seems to be with him, and he's much better as a character for it. (The cat claws last episode?)

Ok, it's time to talk about Jeremy:

3 people is a lot of people!

Feel like it was Jeremy's. That guy has some pull.

Seriously, just put Savage and Joe in the 4. You're peachy.

To be fair, does Wiglesworth care? Like even she must know there's a 0.00% chance she's going to get idoled out.

Not a nerdy guy, but that's basically what Danni Boatwright did. She had these three huge guys in front of her to make sure she was last from her alliance to get voted out.

Joe has never really been given the chance to demonstrate strategic strength. His strategy has always had to be "who's willing to play with me and not run in terror of a potential immunity run."

I don't think it was the strategic threat of Kass that made people nervous. I think everyone was just really afraid of that 7v6 battle of alliances and Kass was an easy vote because she's Kass.

It's boring out there, especially when it's raining. I'd take poetry or anything in that situation.

Abi replaying Pearl Islands Rupert would be great.

I don't know about that. He seems like the type of guy who's really well liked in real life. The middling intelligence alpha just can look bad on Survivor because that's not the right audience for him.

Yeah, normally I advise the same smile and nod strategy Tasha used with Abi on Angkor, but really it's kind of what Tasha tried and Kass saw through it. And then rather than just using that information to figure that Tasha was not a potential ally, Kass used it to try and burn Tasha in front of everyone and it