Other Scott

Spencer had also spent zero time on a tribe with Joe to this point I believe, so it's not like he would know either

The Tasha alliance train, I mean

Good point. I guess the question is whether she calmly stepped off or set the thing on fire on her way out. The first might be a solid play. The second: oh dear

Speaking of which, Abi sure got off the Tasha train pretty quick there, didn't she?

I really don't think Savage is going to flip out over one stray vote.

I'm not ruling the edit turning around a little on him, and I don't think it's been as bad as you suggest, but I really expected it to right itself by now.

Joe language annoyed me a lot. He's a smart guy, just because he's athletic doesn't mean you have to talk to him like a 7 year old.

I think Kass saw herself as Calm Kass, but honestly she ultimately just wasn't capable of keeping her cool on Tasha, and blew things up at a terrible time to do so

Why are we selling Stephen? His edit? I think Stephens actually done a good job getting a target off of him that was fairly sizeable at the start of the game.

Savage was kind of hilarious this episode.

Don't know if you're addressing me but I don't like the term gamebot or find it a useful way of describing people.

It is known.

He means from Savage. It's not quite correct, because Savage wasn't really ever on the table, but the reason Savage wasn't on the table is Abi was pretty vocal about not liking Woo so that's who Ciera decided to flip the vote against.

There's a big divide between people who cheer for "the good guys" and people who cheer for "the smart guys."

This season really hasn't been that far off that. Only tribes that went to tribal twice are going to be original Ta Keo and Angkor.

I think some people like watching knowing what happens so they can see the storylines leading up to exits clearer.

I'm sure Abi put Monica there somehow. Maybe her spirit infected Kimmi or something like that.

Why? Kass's alliance right now is that Ta Keo 5. Turning against that alliance (in the form of Ciera) first chance she gets is bad for her overall game.

I wonder if they really wanted to get Savage out, whether they go to Woo and say, "Look, we have to turn things against Savage, but we don't have the numbers. However, with Abi, we have the numbers to get you out though, and that's our next best option. Vote with us against Savage to save yourself."

There's an episode of "Review" where someone calls into the host asking "I just opened a crossfit gym, so I wanted to know, what's it like to be a cult leader?"