Other Scott

I wasn't sure on the Spencer-Shirin one. And I was pretty close to 100% on this one.

Eh, there was nothing covert about that final tribal speech.

It made sense for Ciera to turn tables on Savage, and since Abi wanted Woo that was the only way she could do it. It made sense for Kass to stick with Ciera. It made sense for Spencer to not get voted out.

They had done enough set-up for Abi-Woo that you could see it. But it was weird.

That would have been awesome.

That is more or less correct. No one can keep Abi happy for long.

Look, if Woo was a really great player he'd figure out from Savage and Tasha which way the Peih-Gee vote was going and get on the right side of it. He also would have stopped Andrew from alienating Ciera and volunteered to take Spencer's vote himself. So it wasn't like the game caused him to draw dead through no fault

I knew it was Woo basically as soon as Kass went to talk to Spencer. If there was really a chance of Kass sticking with the Spencer plan it's unlikely she would have warned him ahead of time.

It wasn't so much she wanted to break up the alliance, it's that she wanted to grab the power away from Savage because she thought she might be on the chopping block otherwise.

I only wasn't disappointed because I thought the Kass vs Spencer stuff would be fantastic and Woo would be safe.

How Was the Episode

Yeah, I didn't phrase that properly. I meant a lot of difference in how Woo was being presented.

I like the idea of Hero Challenges. Just not every episode in a small arena playing particularly carnival-y games. Heavily physical hero challenges? I'm all for those.

Is Woo that easily manipulated? I mean, yes, Tony convinced him to take Tony to the final 2. But other than that, weren't all Tony's moves clearly good for Woo as well?

I was kind of thinking "pre-game alliances" with that scene with Monica and Spencer, that Monica and Kelly were aligned through Jeff, and Monica was just coming up with some other excuse for the TV show.

They also just don't have the puzzle people the other tribes have, and considering every challenge is coming down to a puzzle that's not good.

Having watched Samoa recently, I feel like Monica does that thing where she pretends to go along with someone in a scene while just tearing them down in a confessional more than most. She did that to Russell a couple of times.

Monica was more invisible earlier. Now things have shifted a bit.

I thought it might just turn out to be Woo in an attempt to keep Abi happy. And also Andrew's comment about merge strength added to that.

It seemed like it was all perishable. There was no way they could make it last.