Other Scott

It's less about time period than relative quality of those seasons.

I think Andy likes him a lot too, doesn't he?

Because they always underestimate the potential of the nutbag blowing up on them and screwing them over.

I can't remember if I voted for Abi or not, but that's because I hadn't seen Philippines.

It's the same Savage. He's going to have a family he cares for, and then he's going to have the people on the outside who he minimizes. His dedication to his people is commendable, the way he treats outsiders is squirm inducing. The Morgan family is a great part of Pearl Islands.

I think ignoring the connections to the previous season is more of a faux-pas than highlighting them when they are that obvious.

Here's the thing. Anyone that gets killed by Abi at this point, at least on the original Ta Keo beach people alliance, has no one to blame but themselves. They had every opportunity to get rid of the risk and irrationality and vote her out. They chose that it would be better to bring her with them as a goat.

I'd say the story is the past is informing us, not necessarily repeating. Terry's way ahead of last time. Woo seems to be doing things a little differently. Vytas got killed for the exact same thing that worked for him last time.

I'm going to start doing my post-episode comments into some regular/ semi-regular categories:

The explanation by Peih Gee in the show was all the bags were the same, she grabbed one she thought was empty and put her name on it, in reality it was Abi Maria's with the bracelet.

Yeah, it's not the One World rooster alliance or anything.

Apparently Woo hurt his foot and was with medical while a lot of the stuff at camp was happening at Ta Keo on Day 2 or something like that. I can't remember where I read that.

Oh yeah, I agree completely. I only say that because it would have been a nice callback to Borneo and Pearl Islands and it's not like he had much to say anyways. "People are gathering. People, still gathering. You want to make sure you have enough stuff before you take off for the rice. Bayon, might be getting ready.

It's really, really not how it was presented in those post-swap episodes. I think it's plausible that Tina was trying to decide her best path for an alliance when Vytas seemed trustworthy and on her side she chose the Aras/ Vytas thing over the women thing. For Vytas to have always been completely safe would mean the

Where is it confirmed that he was always safe though? I know this is a rumour with pre-game alliances and stuff, but I haven't heard where it comes from.

So I take it you aren't a Culpepper fan?

Did you get the sense people tired of Spencer in Cagayan? He just didn't have many alliance options and was stuck underneath the 8 ball when Garrett went out and when Kass flipped. This time he's already given himself alliance options. That's an improvement right upfront.

She was just not interested in the pregaming. People were wondering if she was going to be uninterested in the game.

Amanda got a vote. It was apparently a pity vote, but it was a vote.

That was mostly the great Stephanie LaGrossa, actually.